Committee structure

Information on Councillor attendance at meetings can be found in the Library section.

Council and Policy Committees

The Council operates a Committee System, under which there are two types of committees: ‘Policy’ Committees and ‘Regulatory’ Committees.


Certain functions can only be exercised by the full Council, including approving or adopting the policy framework and the budget.


There are five ‘Policy’ committees: Policy and Resources Committee, Communities Committee, Environment Committee, Place and Economic Development Committee and Health and Wellbeing Committee.


The committee functions are set out in the report of the Monitoring Officer to the Council meetings on 21st February 2017 and 18th May 2021.


At the start of our meetings under the item 'Public Participation' up to fifteen minutes in total is allowed for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda.  Participants need to indicate that they wish to speak by contacting us no later than 4.30p.m. on the last working day before the meeting (or 12 noon if you wish to speak at the full Council meeting).


To register to speak please email:  


Regulatory Committees

There are four ‘Regulatory’ committees. These Committees are set up to consider and determine all matters covered by a particular regulatory system. 


Planning Committee has the authority to determine all applications under the development control system.


Licensing and Environmental Health Committee and its related Sub-Committees deal with issues such as street trading, taxi licensing and matters under the Licensing Act 2003.


Audit and Governance Committee provides independent assurance to our Members of the adequacy of the risk management framework and the internal control environment and is responsible for the approval of the Annual Accounts.


Standards Committee is responsible for promoting and maintaining high standards of conduct by Councillors, Co-opted Members and Parish Councillors.

Consultative Committees

These bodies exist to advise the Council and its constituent Committees on various areas of operation.