Register of interests

Councillor Matthew Lamb

I, Councillor Matthew Lamb a member of Worcester City Council, GIVE NOTICE that I have set out below under the appropriate headings my interests which I am required to declare under the Worcester City Council Code of Conduct and I have put “none” where I have no such interests under any heading.

1. Employment, Office, Trade, Profession or Vocation
Description of employment activity Name of Employer or Body
Self - Principal Central St. Michael's Sixth Form College, West Bromwich
Partner - Management Consultant ZJC Change Management
2. Payment or Provision of any other Financial Benefit
Name of Person or Body making Payments
Self - Elction expenses (I was re-elected in May 2024) were covered by the Labour Party
Partner - Election expenses (My partner was elected in May 2024) were covered by the Labour Party
3. Interests in companies and securities
Name of Company/body
4. Contracts with the authority:
Description of Contract
5. Land in the area of the authority
Address/Description of Land Nature of Interest in Land
Self - Owner 72 Hawkwood Crescent St Johns Worcester WR2 6BP
Partner My partner, who is also a councillor, lives at the same address
6. Any Tenancy
Description Address/Description of Property/Nature of Interest
None -
7. Licenses to occupy land
Description of Contract Address/Description of Property/Nature of Interest
None -
8. Declaration
Matthew Lamb 12 May 2024