Agenda item
Planning Application Local Validation Document
That the Committee:
(i) approve the draft Local Validation Document for consultation purposes and to inform decisions regarding the validation of planning applications during the consultation period and until such time as the Local Validation Document is adopted by the City Council;
(ii) authorise the Corporate Director - Planning and Governance in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee to make any necessary amendments to the Local Validation Document following the public consultation period of six weeks and to adopt the Local Validation Document for development management purposes; and
(iii) authorise the Corporate Director - Planning and Governance in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee to undertake future reviews and redraft and re-format of the Local Validation Document in the event of amendments being necessary as a result of new Government guidance, changes in legislation, change in planning policies at local or national level or a change in local circumstances.
The Committee considered a report on the Planning Application Local Validation. The draft Local Validation Document June 2022 was attached as appendix 1 to the report.
The Project Officer, Development Management presented the report which provided background to the draft document, why a new one is necessary and the proposed public consultation period. Paragraph 4.4 of the report identified the stakeholders who would be consulted.
The adoption of the document would provide a clear and equitable way of assessing if all of the relevant information has been submitted and reduces the need for a case by case assessment but acts as a checklist for the Planning Team in ensuring all necessary information is provided.
Following the consultation period it is proposed that any changes are agreed with the Corporate Director – Planning and Governance in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of Planning Committee. The document will then be used for Development Management purposes and reviewed every two years.
It was asked if there was an opportunity at this time to propose an additional item with regard to cycle storage. The Government’s Gear Change document was referred to whereby page 44 identifies that cycle parking should consider the needs of all potential users and the range of cycles which will use the facilities. By adding this it would ensure that more appropriate storage would be offered.
In response the Head of Planning and the Project Officer agreed that an appendix on cycle storage guidance would be more preferable rather than a requirement in the validation. The Head of Planning stated if Members had other suggestions to make during the consultation period to then let officers know, in the meantime he asked for the appropriate link for this item.
Members asked for reassurance that the document will be updated following any changes in Government guidance, changes in legislation, change in planning policies at local or national level. Reference was made to the SWDP Review and any changes that would bring. The Head of Planning stated that it was important that the validation document was brought forward now and sent out for consultation. From a back office point of view there are always ways to improve the validation of applications and the sooner it is in place the better. It was pointed out that the document would require a complete overall once the SWDP review has been adopted and there will also be changes to the National Planning Policy Framework which will need to be taken into account.
As previously mentioned, Members asked that the % increase and square feet on domestic extensions can be included within the document as this would be really helpful. The Head of Planning in response understood why the question is asked as it is a way of appreciating and understanding the scale and mass of residential applications. The most relevant policy is SWDP 21 and the Residential Design Guide, but that does not say that a certain % of design is not acceptable. The advice is to be careful when referring to % figures as a refusal cannot be based on this.
Three matters were raised with regard to new developments – community spaces, waste collection for large items and internet cabling for those working from home. Th Head of Planning agreed to speak with the Member outside the meeting with regard to the first two items but with regard to the third on internet cabling, he stated that technology providers are way ahead of our policies but will pick this up at the review stage.
The Chair referred to heritage and asked what level is required for planning applications, is it an assessment or a full report. The Head of Planning responded and agreed to look at this.
The Chair thanked officers and reminded Members to respond to the consultation process and ask questions of officers if needed.
RESOLVED: That the Committee:
1. approve the draft Local Validation Document for consultation purposes and to inform decisions regarding the validation of planning applications during the consultation period and until such time as the Local Validation Document is adopted by the City Council;
2. authorise the Corporate Director - Planning and Governance in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee to make any necessary amendments to the Local Validation Document following the public consultation period of six weeks and to adopt the Local Validation Document for development management purposes; and
3. authorise the Corporate Director - Planning and Governance in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Committee to undertake future reviews and redraft and re-format of the Local Validation Document in the event of amendments being necessary as a result of new Government guidance, changes in legislation, change in planning policies at local or national level or a change in local circumstances.
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