Agenda item
Football Facilities At Perdiswell
That the Sub-Committee notes updated cost models for Futsal and pitch developments at Perdiswell and agree to receive a further report on the creation of new five-a-side pitches adjacent to Perdiswell Leisure Centre.
The Sub-Committee considered a report on the outcome of the work commissioned from Raise Partnership to review the costings of the proposed Futsal and football pitch developments at Perdiswell which had first been considered in July 2018. The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources presented the report and explained that the work had been undertaken to establish whether the schemes remain finically viable.
The report prepared by Raise Partnership was confidential on the basis that it includes information of a commercially sensitive nature. In summary, it concluded that both the All-Weather Pitch and Futsal schemes do remain financially viable, although the former is dependent upon receipt of a grant from the Football Foundation. Surplus income derived from the facility would need to be ring-fenced to it for future maintenance and re-provision. A report will be prepared for the Communities Committee to consider proposals for taking this scheme forward.
Whilst the Futsal scheme would still be viable, the capital costs had risen from an estimated £2.9m to £3.4m. In the event that these were met in full from borrowing, this would give rise to an annual cost of approximately £133,000 at current PWLB rates.
Since the 2018 report, the existing five-a-side pitches adjacent to the Leisure Centre had been brought back into use and further consideration was required as to whether the conversion of the facilities to a Futsal stadium was the most cost-effective use of the site, or whether the addition of further five-a-side pitches would be represent a better alternative in terms of value-for-money.
Information about the use of the refurbished pitches was currently limited as leisure activities had not returned to pre-Covid activity levels. However, there would be additional capital costs over and above those identified in the confidential annex to the report, due to the five-a-side pitches having been refurbished. The latter work was undertaken and funded by Freedom Leisure on the grounds that it receives the income from the pitches. A sliding scale of compensation was agreed in the event that the pitches were replaced in future.
In the circumstances, it was recommended that an assessment be undertaken of the alternative use of the land available for a Futsal facility as additional five-a-side pitches.
The Corporate Director responded to questions from Sub-Committee Members.
In the ensuing discussion, the following main points were made:
· The Corporate Director explained that the Futsal facility could be used for other sports.
· The Corporate Director explained that that five-a-side pitches had been refurbished as they were falling into disrepair and there was an opportunity to bring them back into use in order to support Freedom leisure’s Covid recovery. There was provision to pull back from that position should the Council wish to look to re-develop the site, but as Freedom Leisure had funded the refurbishment they would need to be compensated.
· The development of an all-weather pitch would fall within the remit of sport and leisure provision rather than income generation and would therefore be a matter for Communities Committee to consider.
In conclusion, Sub-Committee Members agreed that an assessment of the alternative use of the land available for a Futsal facility as additional five-a-side pitches was the appropriate way forward.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note updated cost models for Futsal and pitch developments at Perdiswell and agree to receive a further report on the creation of new five-a-side pitches adjacent to Perdiswell Leisure Centre.
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