Agenda item
Setting of the Budget for 2022/23 and MTFP to 2026/27
That the Committee:
1. note the proposed budgets for the various services identified for 2022/23;
2. consider the priorities within each service and recommends any change for the services’ budgets including the Income and Efficiency plans;
3. consider the services’ Capital Programme and future projects and recommends any changes or additions; and
4. reviews any new budget proposals from Members and makes recommendations to Policy and Resources Committee as appropriate.
The Committee considered the proposed budgets for Environment Services for 2022/23. The Committee reviewed the priorities within each service and the initiatives proposed in the Income and Efficiency plan and reviewed the City Plan allocations. The Committee also considered the draft Capital Programme to 2026/27. The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources presented the report and responded to questions from Committee Members.
Members were informed that the funding on the previously approved budget items by the Committee, set out in the table at paragraph 4.4 of the report, had been approved by Policy and Resources at its meeting on 16th November 2021.
In addition to this proposal the Chair had received the following new items for consideration:
- City Centre Street Scene enhancement - £80,000 to continue with the City Delivery Fund proposal for an Enhancement Team (Driver, 1 operative and vehicle) once funding from reserves ends. This will ensure that the improvements are maintained to cover the Queen’s Jubilee year;
• Biodiversity – Upskilling the Environmental Operations team to enable them to best manage biodiversity issues - £10,000 for more training for the existing team and also to develop a key individual for greater knowledge, including recognised qualifications; and
• Perdiswell landscaping - £47,000 to cover shortfall in funding against the tender received. The initial report was for a broad allocation and the scope has widened.
The rationale for each of the items was summarised in the report.
In addition to the above one off proposals the Chair had received proposals which have an ongoing revenue implication and would have a direct impact on the Council’s budget to be set at Council on 22nd February 2022, if approved at Policy and Resources on 8th February. The proposals were as follows:
· Place Working – Street Scene - £50,000 the current funding from reserves ends in March 2022. To maintain the existing standards it is proposed to continue the resource levels permanently; and
· St John’s Cemetery, re -opening of the toilets and staff facilities - £14,000 annual cost of cleaning and security.
Each of these proposals were the subject of a separate report on the agenda. It was noted that the St John’s Cemetery item was now not to be taken forward as discussed in the previous item on the agenda.
In addition to this, the Chair had received two further proposals which were potentially of a capital nature and would need to be built into capital programmes. Members of the Committee were informed that there would be a further report on each item setting out the full design and business case and financial implications during the year. The proposals were as follows:
• Cut and collect mower - £38,000 purchase of a mower to support wild flowering in verges and grassed areas; and
• EV charging points in car parks - £200,000 to develop a programme of additional charging points at suitable locations in the Council’s car parks.
The rationale for each of the items was summarised in the report.
A local Ward Member, Councillor Allcott, addressed the Committee with regard to biodiversity enhancements at Northwick Playing Fields, which was supported by Officers and Members.
Two other proposals for funding were put forward by Members, namely air pollution and the use of sensors to identify hot spots in the city and subsidising pest control. Officers confirmed that the former was currently being looked at by Worcestershire Regulatory Services and the study for this was not yet complete. The latter proposal was for subsidising pest control for Worcester City residents on low income. After some discussion it was agreed not to take this forward as further work was required and Officers agreed to liaise with the Chair and Vice Chair of Licensing and Environmental Health Committee and colleagues in Worcestershire Regulatory Services.
RESOLVED: That the Committee agree to:
1. note the proposed budgets for the various services identified for 2022/23;
2. note the priorities within each service;
3. note the services’ Capital Programme and future projects;
4. recommend the Policy and Resources Committee to agree the following new budget proposals:
• City Centre Street Scene enhancement - £80,000 to continue with City Delivery Fund proposal for Enhancement Team (Driver, 1 operative and vehicle) once funding from reserves ends. This will ensure the improvements is maintained to cover the Queen’s Jubilee year;
• Biodiversity – Upskilling the Environmental Operations team to enable them to best manage biodiversity issues - £10,000 for more training for existing team and also to develop a key individual for greater knowledge including recognised qualifications;
• Perdiswell landscaping - £47,000 to cover shortfall in funding against the tender received. Initial report was for a broad allocation and the scope has widened;
• Place Working – Street Scene - £50,000 the current funding from reserves ends in March 2022. To maintain the existing standards it is proposed to continue the resource levels permanently;
• Cut and collect mower - £38,000 purchase of a mower to support wild flowering in verges and greased areas; and
• EV charging points in car parks - £200,000 to develop a programme of additional charging points at suitable locations in the Council’s car parks.
Supporting documents:
- Budget 2022-23 Environment Commitee - Jan 2022 final v2, item 40. PDF 360 KB
- 01 Appendix 1 - Service Budgets 2022-23 (Environment Committee), item 40. PDF 46 KB
- 01 Appendix 2 - Income Efficiency Plan (Environment Committee), item 40. PDF 26 KB
- 01 Appendix 3- Capital programme 2022-2027, item 40. PDF 98 KB