Agenda and minutes

Venue: Court Room - Guildhall. View directions

No. Item


Election of Chair


RESOLVED: That Councillor Barnes be appointed Chair.






Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.




Application for the Grant of a Street Amenity Permission pdf icon PDF 224 KB

To consider and determine an application for a street amenity permission.

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered an application for a new Street Amenity permission, made by Mr Sergio Dottore on behalf of ‘Thai Gallery’, 22 The Shambles, Worcester.


At the start of the hearing, the Chair made the following statement: “Presentations to this Sub-Committee are not given under oath. However, I would like to remind all parties that the highest standards are expected and any deviation from these high standards could possibly influence any decision of the Sub-Committee.”


All parties at the hearing introduced themselves. The applicant, Mr Dottore, was not present at the hearing. The Panel took the opportunity to adjourn the hearing to undertake a site visit to gain a better idea of the premises and amenity under discussion.


Once formal proceedings resumed, The Technical Officer (Licensing) presented the report on behalf of Worcestershire Regulatory Services.  The applicant was seeking permission to place 19 tables and 38 chairs on the public highway.  The street furniture is to be located directly on the pavement outside 26-32 Friar Street, on the pavement opposite 26-32 Friar Street and on the pavement outside 22 Friar Street. All parties were given the opportunity to ask questions of the Technical Officer (Licensing).


The Legal adviser clarified that permission to place some of the street furniture on the public highway had already been granted previously. Members did not have any regard to the siting of the street furniture for which consent had already been given.


The matter had been referred to the Sub-Committee for determination by Worcestershire Regulatory Services as an objection had been received from Laslett’s Charities, who own and manage Laslett’s Almshouses.  Laslett’s Almshouses provide accommodation for 17 elderly residents and is located immediately opposite 26-32 Friar Street. No objections had been received from any of the statutory consultees.


The Panel noted that no-one from the Applicant’s premises was available to attend the hearing to present their case. The Chair invited the representative of Laslett’s Almhouses, Mr Stephen Inman, to outline the objections to the application.


Mr Inman confirmed that there were no objections to the application to place street furniture on Friar Street further down the street but on the same side as the Thai Gallery restaurant premises. The objections related to plans to place street furniture opposite the restaurant premises, in a location abutting the boundary hedge of Laslett’s Almshouses.


Mr Inman cited concerns about seating restaurant customers in very close proximity to residential accommodation and the negative impact of the noise and smoke upon elderly residents. He further commented on the effect tables and chairs in this location would have in restricting the safe passage of pedestrians needing to move out of the way of passing vehicles.



The Legal Representative offered the following legal advice to Members when considering their decision:


·        That the Sub Committee should consider the street amenity consent policy which states: ‘…..the overriding objective of the policy is to ensure safe access to the area by all users including pedestrians and emergency vehicles’.


All parties, with  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.