Venue: The Guildhall
Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722027, 722085
No. | Item |
Appointment of Substitutes To receive details of any Members appointed to attend the meeting instead of a Member of the Committee. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. |
Public Participation Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Committee. |
Of the meeting held on 3rd June 2024 to be approved and signed. |
Worcester City Business Improvement District 2025-2030 PDF 154 KB That the Committee:
1. approves of the BID Business Plan 2025 – 2030 and confirms its conformity to Regulation 4 of the BID Regulations 2004;
2. delegates approval of the BID Operating Agreement and Baseline Services to the Corporate Director – Finance and Resources;
3. recommends to Council to instruct the Returning Officer to conduct the BID ballot; and
4. recommends to Council to authorise the Managing Director to vote yes in respect of City Council properties in the Worcester City Business Improvement District ballot.
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Quarter 1 Performance Report 2024/25 PDF 107 KB That the Place and Economic Development Committee notes the Council’s quarter 1 performance for 2024/25.
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Museums Worcestershire Annual Review PDF 200 KB Additional documents: |
Shrub Hill Quarter Supplementary Planning Document PDF 149 KB That the Committee: -
1. notes the outcome of the statutory public consultation on the draft Shrub Hill Quarter Supplementary Planning Document as set out in this report and the attached Statement of Community Consultation; and
2. recommends that Council adopts the Shrub Hill Quarter Supplementary Planning Document as amended and attached to this report as part of the Local Development Framework.
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Worcester Play Plan Priority Projects PDF 251 KB That the Committee:
1. notes the annual update on the progress of delivery of the Worcester Play Plan; 2. considers the preliminary appraisal work for an additional pump track location and approves the progression of Perdiswell as the preferred location for a destination play site based around a pump track; 3. approves the list of priority projects for the next phase of delivery of the Play Plan up to March 2026, and the sources of funding provisionally identified; 4. notes that all projects will be subject to local community engagement as well as co-design with users of play spaces, with reports on feasibility and costings being brought back to Committee for approval during the year; and 5. approves an allocation from the Council’s collected s106 and CIL funding, as set out in this report, to provide additional staff resources to support the delivery of projects under the Play Plan.
Pavement Licensing - The Business and Planning Act 2020 PDF 123 KB That the Committee:
1. consider the update to the Business & Planning Act 2020, which makes the Pavement Licence regime permanent under the Levelling up and Regeneration Act 2023;
2. considers and approve the draft Pavement Licensing Policy shown at Appendix 1, for the purpose of an 8-week public consultation exercise; and
3. note, that a report will be presented to Committee in November 2024 with the outcome of the consultation.
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Street Collectors Code of Conduct PDF 183 KB To inform members of the intention to erect ‘Street Collectors Code of Conduct’ signage in the city centre to make street collectors aware of the behaviour expected of them and provide the police with a means to challenge unwelcome behaviour in the absence of effective legislation.
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Any Other Business Which in the opinion of the Chair is of sufficient urgency as to warrant consideration. |