Agenda and minutes

Venue: Remote Meeting

Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722027, 722006, 722085 

No. Item


Appointment of Substitutes

To receive details of any Members appointed to attend the meeting instead of a Member of the Sub-Committee.




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


The following declarations of interest were made:


Councillors Geraghty and Mrs L. Hodgson - City Centre Wi-Fi and Footfall Data Monitoring (Minute No 9) – as Members of Worcestershire County Council.


Public Participation

Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Sub-Committee.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 73 KB

Of the meeting held on 27th January 2020 to be approved and signed.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 27th January 2020 be approved as a correct record and signed remotely by the Chairman.


Annual and Quarter 4 Performance Report for Place and Economic Sub-Committee for 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee notes the Council’s Annual and Quarter 4 performance for 2019/20.

Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered the Annual and Quarter 4 Performance Report for the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee for 2019/20.


It was noted that each committee would usually receive a report regarding their Performance Scorecard each quarter. However, due to COVID-19, and the subsequent changes to the committee schedules, the Quarter 4 2019/20 reports for all committees were initially reported to the Policy and Resources Committee on the 26th May 2020. 


The Annual and Quarter 4 performance report for the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee was attached s Appendix 1 to the report.


The Corporate Director – Place presented the report and responded to questions from Sub-Committee Members.


Sub-Committee Members were pleased to see that the planning targets were on track and improvements had been made.  Thanks were given to colleagues in planning for this achievement.


RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee notes the Council’s Annual and Quarter 4 performance for Place and Economic Development for 2019/20.



Proposed Committee Performance Scorecard 2020/21 and Quarter 1 Performance Report 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

1.   That the Planning and Economic Development Sub-Committee  consider the proposed content of the Planning and Economic Development Sub-Committee Performance Scorecard for 2020/21.


2.   That the Planning and Economic Development Sub-Committee notes the Council’s Quarter 1 performance for 2020/21.


Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered the Performance Scorecard for 2020/21 and the Quarter 1 Performance Report for 2020/21.


It was noted that the proposed scorecard for 2020/21 was scheduled to be reported to the Sub-Committee in March 2020.  However, the meeting was cancelled as was the meeting in June due to Covid-19.  The subsequent changes to the committee schedules have resulted in the proposed scorecard being presented alongside the Quarter 1 2020/21 Performance Report.


The proposed content of the Planning and Economic Development Sub-Committee Performance Scorecard for 2020/21 was attached as Appendix 1 and the Quarter 1 Performance Report was attached as Appendix 2.


The Corporate Director – Place presented the report and responded to questions from Sub-Committee Members on points of clarification.


RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee agree the proposed content of the performance Scorecard for 2020/21 and note the Council’s Quarter 1 performance for Place and Economic Development 2020/21.




Tourism Economic Impact Assessment pdf icon PDF 180 KB

That Members note the findings of the Tourism Economic Impact Assessment for 2018 (report released January 2020).






The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Tourism Economic Impact Assessment.


The Tourism and City Centre Manager presented the report and informed the Sub-Committee that the Council had commissioned an economic impact assessment of tourism in Worcester from consultants in 2019.  The 2019 data will be available in Summer 2020 and a follow-up report will be commissioned at that time.


The previous economic impact assessment used 2015 data therefore the latest report allows for a comparison period before the launch of the Tourism Strategy in 2017 and the insourcing of the tourism service for the City in 2018.


The Sub-Committee’s attention was drawn to the headline figures outlined in paragraphs 3.1-3.6 of the report, particularly 3.1 and 3.2.


The current tourism strategy is due for review in 2021.  This report will be used to informed this process, including the development of new projects and campaigns to promote the City. 


The Tourism and City Centre Manager responded to questions from Sub-Committee Members.


RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note the findings of the Tourism Economic Impact Assessment for 2018 (report released January 2020).




Economic Recovery Strategy pdf icon PDF 113 KB

1.   Members to note the report on activity to support the economic recovery of the city; and


2.   Members to approve the reallocation of existing budgets to fund recovery projects.



The Sub-Committee considered the Economic Recovery Strategy report.


The government’s announcement of lockdown measures on 23rd March 2020 had an immediate effect on the city’s businesses, particularly as it occurred so soon after the serious flood event of February/March.  Footfall in the city centre dropped by 90% and almost all businesses were forced to close.  The Council’s immediate priorities were to ensure the safe continuation of as many services as possible as well as ensuring that government grants and support could be delivered to the businesses and people most in need.


The Tourism and City Centre Manager presented the report and informed the Sub-Committee Members that working in partnership with the County Council, all local authorities have focused on key themes for recovery, these were outlined in paragraph 2.3 of the report.  The City Council’s role and engagement with each theme has varied depending on its level of influence and responsibility.


On 25th May 2020 the government issued details of the Reopening High Streets Safely Fund with an allocation of £90,121 for Worcester City.  When combined with existing resources, this funding will be used to support economic recovery for the city.


The Sub-Committee’s attention was drawn to paragraphs 3.1-3.1.9 which outlined the examples of projects delivered so far.  Paragraph 4.1-3 referred to potential projects and a request to reassign funding.


The Tourism and City Centre Manager responded to questions from Sub-Committee Members


The Sub-Committee Members thanked the Tourism and City Centre Manager for a comprehensive report.


RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee:


1.   note the report on activity to support the economic recovery of the city; and


2.   approve the reallocation of existing budgets to fund recovery projects.



City Centre Wi-Fi and Footfall Data Monitoring pdf icon PDF 813 KB

That Committee awards a concession contract to ‘InTechnology Wi-Fi’ for a period of 5 years, with an option for future extension, to develop and deliver city centre Wi-Fi in Worcesterto include the provision of footfall data and a tourism app.



The Sub-Committee considered a report on City Centre Wi-Fi and footfall data monitoring.


The Economic Development Officer in presented the report stated that following an earlier procurement process, which was visited following a desire to increase the area of coverage of the City Centre of the Wi-Fi service, a subsequent bid has been received from ’In Technology Wi-Fi’ which will deliver free, unlimited, public Wi-Fi in Worcester City Centre with possible future phases to extend the network into other areas at the earliest opportunity.


The Sub-Committee Members were informed that there was a small capital cost to the City Council of £10,000 for electrical works required insetting up the Wi-Fi network, other wise there were no capital costs associated with delivering the infrastructure as this cost will be borne by the contractor.  The annual projected income to be received was highlighted in paragraph 2.4 of the report.


The proposed network coverage in Worcester City Centre was shown in Appendix B attached to the report.  The contract award is for a 5 year period which is monetised through creating a community smartphone app which drives revenue from sponsorship and advertising and underpins the business model.


The contract award will also deliver comprehensive footfall monitoring through the network infrastructure.  This information does have associated costs but they would be offset in part by revenue received under the contract as outlined in paragraph 5.1 of the report.  The various data classed and full range of data areas was outlined in paragraph 2.12 of the report.  Confidential Appendix A provided further information.


The Economic Development Officer stated that it was recommended that a concession contract be awarded to In Technology Wi-Fi for a 5 year period, with an option for future extension as outlined in the preferred option at paragraph 3 of the report.  The alternative options considered at paragraph 4  were highlighted.


The Corporate Director – Place and the Economic Development Officer responded to questions from Sub-Committee Members who were pleased to see the project being delivered.


RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee awards a concession contract to ‘InTechnology Wi-Fi’ for a period of 5 years, with an option for future extension, to develop and deliver city centre Wi-Fi in Worcester to include the provision of footfall data and a tourism app.



Any Other Business

Which in the opinion of the Chairman is of sufficient urgency as to warrant consideration.




Item Involving the Disclosure of Exempt Information

The Committee are invited to pass the following resolution:


That under Section 100A(4), the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of information as defined in schedule 12A of the said Act.


RESOLVED: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act.


City Centre Wi-Fi and Footfall Data Monitoring

To note confidential Appendix A.


That the Sub-Committee note Confidential Appendix A of this report.