Agenda and minutes
Venue: Guildhall
Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722027, 722006, 722085
No. | Item |
Appointment of Substitutes To receive details of any Members appointed to attend the meeting instead of a Member of the Sub-Committee. Minutes: None. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made:
Councillors Geraghty and Hodgson – Worcester City Council Business Grant Programmes 2020/23 (Minute No 23), Museums Project (Minute No 25), Skills Enabling Budget and Employment and Skills Strategy (Minute No 26), Worcestershire County Council Minerals Local Plan – Duty to Co-Operate (Minute No 28) – as Members of Worcestershire County Council.
Councillor Mrs L. Hodgson – Museums Project (Minute No 25) – as Member of Worcestershire County Council and Chairman of the Joint Museums Committee.
Councillor Mrs L. Hodgson – Skills Enabling and Employment and Skills Strategy (Minute No 26) – as a Member of the Heart of Worcestershire College
Councillor Geraghty – Skills Enabling Budget and Employment and Skills Strategy (Minute No 26) and The Kiln Co-Working Innovation Space, 2 Copenhagen Street (Minute No 27) – as a member of Worcestershire LEP. |
Public Participation Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Sub-Committee. Minutes: None. |
Of the meeting held on 30th July 2019 to be approved and signed. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the 30th July 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Setting of the Budget for 2020/21 and MTFP to 2024/25 PDF 87 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee:
1. note the Budgets for the various services identified for 2019/20;and 2. consider the priorities within each service and recommends any change of emphasis for the services’ Income and Efficiency plans.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on the setting of the Budget for 2020-21 and the Medium Term Financial Plan to 2024-2025.
The Head of Finance presented the report and explained that Members were asked to review the budget for each service (Appendix 1) and the progress made in achieving the savings set out in the Income and Efficiency Plan 2019-2022 programme (Appendices 2 and 3), and to consider whether any amendments are needed to the services’ Income and Efficiency Plan in order to continue to achieve service objectives and to deliver the relevant aims of the City Plan.
Members were also asked to consider whether the current capital projects are still appropriate for each service (Appendix 4) and whether there are any further needs that require addressing, and to consider whether the amounts allocated to the City Plan themes are still appropriate and whether there are any further needs that require addressing through a reallocation of the funds available (Appendix 5)
Having considered the report and the priorities within each service, the Sub-Committee did not recommend any change of emphasis for the services’ Income and Efficiency plans. No changes to the current capital projects or the amounts allocated to the City Plan themes were proposed.
Officers responded to Members questions on points of clarification, related to the appendices attached to the report.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee agree to note the Budgets for the various services identified for 2019/20.
Worcester City Council Business Grant Programmes 2020/23 PDF 113 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee:
1. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £75,000 from existing City Plan Funds to be used for the Worcester City Council Business Start up and Growth Grants Programme 2020 to 2023;
2. agree the re-allocation of £4,731.67 from the Support Business Development budget as match funding towards the Worcestershire European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) business grant programme extension to 2023; and
3. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £564.33 from the 2022/2023 budget as match funding towards the Worcestershire European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) business grant programme extension to 2023. Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the City Council Business Grant Programmes 2020-2023.
The Economic Development Officer, in presenting the report, first highlighted the City Council Business Start Up and Growth Grant Programme for 2020-2023. The programme had awarded 52 business start up and growth grants, 45 supported were still trading. The Sub-Committee were informed that the demand for grants could potentially increase due to the reduction in availability of grants from the Worcestershire ERDF schemes and new initiatives in Worcester which could stimulate business start up and growth.
The Sub-Committee congratulated all those involved, who had worked very proactively on this programme.
Following on from a Motion at Full Council in July of this year on Worcester becoming a carbon neutral City by 2030 and the wish to support the green business sector, Members noted that there had been no reference to this in the report. It was asked how green businesses were to be supported and whether criteria needed to be included.
The Economic Development Officer in response referred Members of the Sub-Committee to paragraph 5.8 of the report which encourages energy efficiency improvements. There were proposals to discuss this and other issues with the Council’s Sustainability Officer. The new 3 year programme could include different criteria relating to energy efficiency, possibly including a scoring system.
The Chairman requested a further paper as to how Place and Economic Development, as a Sub-Committee, the Council can assist the Council in fulfilling the requirements of the Motion.
The Economic Development Officer referred to paragraph 2.3 of the report and the Worcestershire ERDF Business Support and Grant Scheme 2023. The 2016-2019 programme, managed by Worcestershire County Council, finished in March 2019.
The preferred options for the grant programmes were outlined in the report at paragraphs 3.1-3.3 which the Sub-Committee were being asked to approve.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee:
1. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £75,000 from existing City Plan Funds to be used for the Worcester City Council Business Start up and Growth Grants Programme 2020 to 2023;
2. agree the re-allocation of £4,731.67 from the Support Business Development budget as match funding towards the Worcestershire European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) business grant programme extension to 2023; and
3. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £564.33 from the 2022/2023 budget as match funding towards the Worcestershire European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) business grant programme extension to 2023.
Tourism and Events Funding 2020-2021 PDF 131 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee:
1. note the progress against delivery of the objectives of the tourism strategy;
2. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £25,000 from existing City Plan funds to be used to deliver the objectives of the tourism strategy in 2020-21; and
3. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation from existing City Plan funds of £45,500 per annum in the 2020/21 and 2021/22 financial years to extend the fixed term contract for the role of Tourism & Events Officer (post EP4118) which is currently due to expire in April 2020, for two years. Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on Tourism and Events funding 2020-2021.
The Deputy Director – Economic Development and Planning in presenting the report, informed the Sub-Committee that in order to progress delivery of the Tourism Strategy objectives an additional enabling budget of £25,000 for the third phase of the activity for 2020-2021 was being requested.
The Sub-Committee’s attention was drawn to paragraph 4 of the report which provided a breakdown of the plans for delivery in 2020-2021. Appendix 1 attached to the report provided the detailed additional budget request for each project.
The Sub-Committee were also made aware that the existing Tourism and Events Officer post is currently on a fixed term contract which expires in 2020. It is proposed to extend the contract for another two years to cover the post until April 2022. The post has been key in delivering a number of high profile events and was critical in delivering the Tourism Strategy.
Members of the Sub-Committee agreed that there had been benefits of a person in this role and it had identified the importance of tourism as an economic driver. Members expressed support for this post to be considered permanent and form part of the budget renewal process.
The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources stated that it was not good practice to include salaries in fixed term budgets and reserves and should be part of revenue budgets. If Members agreed then the budget could be shaped accordingly.
The Sub-Committee agreed that 1.3 of the recommendation be amended accordingly.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee:
1. note the progress against delivery of the objectives of the tourism strategy;
2. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £25,000 from existing City Plan funds to be used to deliver the objectives of the tourism strategy in 2020-21; and
1.3. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation from revenue budgets £45,500 per annum to extend indefinitely the contract for the role of Tourism and Events Officer (post EP4118) which is currently due to expire in April 2020.
That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee:
1. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £64,000 for proposed spending from the next four annual budgets to be used for commercial development projects at the City Museums.
2. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £35,000 for proposed spending from the next three annual budgets to be used for national promotion projects that bring economic benefit to the wider City. Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Museums projects.
The Joint Museums Committee at their meeting on 20th September 2019 reviewed outline projects ideas. The Committee proposed bringing an outline of proposals both for investment in commercial facilities and in promotional campaigns to increase the growth of national and regional visitors to Worcester to the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee to discuss the allocation of funding towards these projects.
The Museums Audience Manager, in presenting the report drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the project outline at paragraph 3.1 of the report, which included investment to upgrade the two city museum cafes to increase income and commercial feasibility and investment at The Commandery.
The funding of projects using the success of recent museum developments and exhibitions to further promote Worcester to a regional and national audience was explained at paragraph 3.2 of the report.
The Museums Audience Manager informed the Sub-Committee that it was the intention of Museums Worcestershire to continue to bring well known artists to the City.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee:
1. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £64,000 for proposed spending from the next four annual budgets to be used for commercial development projects at the City Museums; and
2. recommend to Policy and Resources Committee the allocation of £35,000 for proposed spending from the next three annual budgets to be used for national promotion projects that bring economic benefit to the wider City.
Skills Enabling Budget and Employment and Skills Strategy PDF 201 KB 1. That the proposed 2020/2021 skills budget is approved, including six month extension of the skills officer contract to March 2021. 2. That a draft Employment and Skills Strategy 2021 – 2024 is brought back to this Sub-Committee in Autumn 2020 with a budget request to deliver a further three year programme.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Skills Enabling Budget 2020-21 and Employment and Skills Strategy 2021-2024. Worcester City Council has had an Employment and Skills Strategy in place since 2016. The strategy is a high level plan to achieve the Council’s goals in relation to economic growth and inclusion within the City of Worcester, and is aligned to the Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) for Worcestershire (2014) led by Worcestershire Local Enterprise; and Worcestershire County Council’s Open for Business Strategy and Children and Young People’s plan. The Economic Development Officer (People) in presenting the report, drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to pages 40-42 of the report which identified the areas where support had been provided. In March 2019 the Sub-Committee approved the budget to continue this work up to July 2020, including extension of the Skills Officer contract. The proposed budget was based on projected year end spend as at February 2018. Due to a lower than projected 2018-19 spend the remaining balance in reserves is £63,549 with £10,000 ring fenced for delivery of employability activity through the Small Projects fund. The availability of the reserves means that the Council can continue to deliver its Employment and Skills strategy to the end of its life cycle without any additional resources being sought. The Economic Development Officer (People) drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to Table 1 at paragraph 3.3 of the report which showed the revised 2019-20 budget and new proposal for 2020-2021 budget. The Sub-Committee were asked to note that there may be an underspend in 2019-20 as spend levels are demand/performance led. Members of the Sub-Committee congratulated officers for an excellent report and commented on how successful the employment and skills strategy delivery had been but did have concerns over whether the 6 months extension requested would be sufficient enough and suggested this may need to be looked at. Reference was made to Appendix 1 attached to report, which related to the Worcestershire Local Industrial Strategy. It was asked what process was available to contribute to the document as a Council. The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources stated that he was aware that the Managing Director had been involved with this and had fed into the process with the Leadership Group and other Forum, but did agree to check with him how best to feed into the process. The Economic Development Officer (People) informed the Sub-Committee that the team did work with the Skills LEP team on this consultation document. The Deputy Director – Economic Development and Planning clarified for Members that there is just over £63,000 left in the Skills Enabling Budget and this will enable a review of the Skills Strategy without any additional funding being requested. If the Sub-Committee agree to the extension of the Skills Officer contract then the preparation of the Employment and Skills Strategy for 2021-24 can take place with a draft being completed in Autumn 2020. The draft strategy will be reported to the Sub-Committee in Autumn 2020 at which time the Skills ... view the full minutes text for item 26. |
The Kiln Co-Working Innovation Space, 2 Copenhagen Street - Progress Update October 2019 PDF 99 KB The Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee note the update on The Kiln Co-working Innovation Space Project. Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a progress report on the Kiln Co-Working Innovation Space, 2 Copenhagen Street.
The Economic Development Officer, in presenting the report informed the Sub-Committee that a manager was appointed in early July to oversee the day to day management, liaise with users and develop business support and collaboration activities. The current opening hours are 7.00am-8.00pm.
The first full board meeting of the Kiln Co-Working Community Interest Company was held on 19th September 2019. Two additional Directors were appointed from the private sector to work alongside Councillor Bayliss, who is the City Council representative. The board is supported by Worcester City Council staff to provide secretariat services and governance advice.
The Sub-Committee were informed that the Kiln board would be preparing a 3 year business plan with a clear focus on achieving the target outputs and financial viability. Details of the Kiln finances were highlighted at paragraph 3.3. of the report.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note the update on The Kiln Co-Working Innovation Space Project. |
Worcestershire County Council Minerals Local Plan - Duty To Co-operate PDF 92 KB That Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee:
1. approve the Minerals Duty to Cooperate Statement on behalf of Worcester City Council, as set out at Appendix 1 to this report; and
2. agree that the Corporate Director - Place is authorised to sign the Statement set out at Appendix 2 to his report on behalf of Worcester City Council. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on the Worcestershire County Council Minerals Local Plan – Duty to Co-operate.
The Duty to Co-operate requires Local Planning Authorities to set out a Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) identifying cross-boundary strategic planning matters and the discussion and agreements reached on them with neighbouring authorities and prescribed bodies.
Worcestershire County Council are preparing a Minerals Local Plan for Worcestershire which is due to be submitted to the Secretary of State for Examination in Public in December 2019. Worcestershire County Council has prepared a Duty to Co-operate Statement, incorporating a Statement of Common Ground, as set out in Appendix 1 attached to the report.
The County Council are now seeking confirmation that the relevant bodies agree with and support the statement as a true record of the key cross-boundary strategic matters relevant to the Worcestershire Minerals Plan. As part of this process, Worcester City are being asked to sign the Statement set out in Appendix 2 attached to the report.
The Planning Policy Team Leader responded to general questions from Members on the Minerals Local Plan.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee:
1. approve the Minerals Duty to Cooperate Statement on behalf of Worcester City Council, as set out at Appendix 1 to this report; and
2. agree that the Corporate Director - Place is authorised to sign the Statement set out at Appendix 2 to this report on behalf of Worcester City Council.
Review of City Markets PDF 102 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee:
1. notes the contents of the report; and
2. delegates authority to the Corporate Director Place, in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Sub-Committee, to procure a city markets review study, with the findings to be reported back to the Sub-Committee. Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on a review of the City Markets.
LSD Promotions have held the contract for the delivery of markets for Worcester City since December 2014. Following an initial extension of twelve months, the contract comes to an end on 31st January 2021. Both LSD Promotions and the City Council has agreed that a review of the contract would be the most appropriate course of action.
The Deputy Director – Economic Development and Planning, in presenting the report, drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to paragraph 2.3 of the report which highlighted the main components of the current contract. One of the key elements within the contract includes the financial contribution towards the purchase and installation of the Worcester City Christmas lights and Christmas trees.
The Sub-Committee’s attention was also drawn to details of the market review at paragraph 3 of the report and the indicative timescale at paragraph 4. It was suggested that the word ‘early’ be left out of paragraph 4.9 related to the contract award for markets concession.
The Deputy Director – Economic Development and Planning clarified that the initial budget of £10,000, is to undertake feasibility work to look at the best option for the market in Worcester and that this money has been allocated from the Future High Street Funds (FHSF) business case development allocation.
The Sub-Committee questioned the FHSF and the Towns Fund and how they fitted together. It was agreed that it would be useful to see a paper at a future meeting identifying these programmes and their timescales.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee:
1. notes the contents of the report; and
2. delegates authority to the Corporate Director Place - in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Sub-Committee, to procure a city markets review study, with the findings to be reported back to the Sub-Committee.
Public Art Working Group PDF 98 KB That the Sub-Committee nominates two members of the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee to sit on the Public Art Working Group (PAWG). Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Public Art Working Group (PAWG). The full Terms of Reference for the group was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
The PAWG had been established as one of the requirements of the Public Art Strategy which was adopted in 2018, to consider public art for the City.
The City Council previously operated a Public Art Panel which used to consider Section 106 funding contributions to public art projects. The previous appointed representatives to the panel were Councillors Gregson, Hodges and Mrs L. Hodgson.
The Sub-Committee were being asked to nominate two members to sit on the PAWG. The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources informed Members that the Policy and Resources Committee appointed representatives to sit on outside bodies, therefore the recommendation would need to be amended to take this into account.
The Sub-Committee agreed to nominate Councillors Gregson and Mrs L. Hodgson to the PAWG and recommend them to Policy and Resources Committee for consideration.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee nominate Councillors Gregson and Mrs L. Hodgson to sit on the Public Art Working Group (PAWG) and recommend to Policy and Resources Committee for their consideration. |
Events Update - Christmas 2019 PDF 487 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee note the report on tourism and events activity taking place in Worcester during CHRISTMAS 2019. Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered an update on tourism and events activities taking place in the City during Christmas 2019.
The Economic Development Officer drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the calendar of key events in the City outlined in paragraph 3.1 of the report. The Sub-Committee were informed that the Worcester Round Table Fireworks event, scheduled for 2nd November 2019, was to be cancelled due to the flooding. A meeting to be held to discuss re-scheduling the event.
The events team were partnering with Worcester BID on the 2019 Christmas in Worcester campaign to highlight activities and events taking place in the City over Christmas. The report, at paragraphs 3.2.1 onwards, identified the events to be covered by key national media coverage and targeted local advertising.
With regard to the Worcester Light Night on 16th January 2020, the First Festival through the Cultural Development Fund, Councillor Gregson as Chair of the Steering Group was to provide Members with a brief update under any other business on the agenda. The Sub-Committee were also informed that as agreed at a recent Leadership meeting the Corporate Director – Place would formally report to the January 2020 meeting.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note the report on tourism and events activity taking place in Worcester during Christmas 2019. |
Quarter 2 Performance Report for 2019-20 PDF 82 KB That the Planning and Economic Development Sub-Committee notes the Council’s Quarter 2 performance for 2019/20. Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered the Quarter 2 Performance Report for the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee for 2019/20 attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources presented the report and responded to questions from Members on various projects outlined in the appendix.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note the Quarter 2 performance report for 2019/20. |
Any Other Business Which in the opinion of the Chairman is of sufficient urgency as to warrant consideration. Minutes: The Vice-Chairman, Councillor Gregson updated Members on Worcester’s Cultural Development Fund Steering Group. Councillor Gregson is the Chairman of the group, which oversees the Project Board. Members were provided with progress so far which has involved a number of meetings between the steering group and the project board.
Another meeting was to be scheduled at the start of December which would mean that the two groups would have a clear idea of where the project was at and would ensure that it was on target to deliver the project. |