Agenda and minutes

Venue: Guildhall

Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722027, 722006, 722085 

No. Item


Appointment of Substitutes

To receive details of any Members appointed to attend the meeting instead of a Member of the Sub-Committee.


Councillor Bayliss for Councillor Mrs L. Hodgson.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


The following declarations of interest were made:


Councillor Bayliss and Councillor Geraghty – The Kiln Co-Working Innovation Space, 2 Copenhagen Street (Minute    ) – As members of Worcestershire LEP.


Public Participation

Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Sub-Committee.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 48 KB

Of the meeting held on 4th March 2019 to be approved and signed.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 4th March 2019 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman.


Methodology for Calculating Indicative Housing Requirement Figures for Designated Neighbourhood Areas pdf icon PDF 182 KB

1.      It is that the proposed methodology for calculating indicative housing requirement figures is endorsed as a basis for providing indicative figures to those neighbourhood planning bodies that have requested them and its publication is approved; and


2.      That responsibility to make any necessary modifications to the methodology is delegated to the Deputy Director - Economic Development and Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair or of Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee.



The Sub-Committee considered a report on the methodology for calculating indicative housing requirement figures for designated neighbourhood areas.


The Planning Policy Team Leader presented the report and informed Members that the South Worcestershire Joint Advisory Panel endorsed the proposed methodology on 26th February 2019 and commended that relevant South Worcestershire Council Committees also endorse the proposed methodology and approve its publication.


There were currently 35 designated neighbourhood areas in south Worcestershire which were listed in Appendix A attached to the report.  To date the only designated area within Worcester City was Warndon Parish and they had not requested a housing number.  Appendix B attached to the report set out examples of what the indicative housing requirements would be for a city parish or town with a population of 12,000 and a rural parish with a population of 1,500 and a multi-parish neighbourhood plan area for the periods 2021-2030 and 2031-2041.


The preferred option was as set out in paragraph 3 of the report.




1.      that the proposed methodology for calculating indicative housing requirement figures is endorsed as a basis for providing indicative figures to those neighbourhood planning bodies that have requested them and its publication is approved; and


2.      that responsibility to make any necessary modifications to the methodology is delegated to the Deputy Director  - Economic Development and Planning in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair or of Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee.


Tourism and Events Update - Summer 2019 pdf icon PDF 95 KB

That members note the report on tourism and events activity taking place in Worcester during Summer 2019.


The Sub-Committee considered an update report on tourism and events Summer 2019.


The Economic Development Officer – Tourism and Events, in presenting the report, informed the Sub-Committee of the planned activities for the Summer 2019 season. 


The City Council was partnering with Worcester BID on the 2019 Summer in Worcester Campaign, other partners were Crowngate Shopping Centre and Cathedral Square centre management and each organisation would make a financial contribution towards this to help enhance the city programme.  Details of this campaign was highlighted at  paragraph 3.1.1 – 3.3 of the report.


A brief summary of the calendar of events in Worcester was highlighted at paragraph 3.4 and further details could be found on the Visit Worcester website,  The Tourism and Events team had supported these events by working with organisers to provide advice, supporting with promotion and logistics, including booking space in the City Centre.


In addition the team continued to deliver the longer-term objectives of the tourism strategy and the current priorities which were highlighted in paragraph 4 of the report.


The Economic Development Officer – Tourism and Events responded to questions from Members particularly around communicating events to the public via the Visit Worcester website, accessibility of events and measuring of footfall.


Members were informed that the team were currently working with the Communities Team looking at a new website, which was to be launched soon.  The new website and the Visit Worcester website will provide information about activities and events for both visitors to the City and for the wider City communities.


The Economic Development Officer – Tourism and Events informed Members that a meeting had been held with the Environmental Operations Team to advise them of events taking place in the City so that the team can prepare for clearing up after the event.


RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note the report on tourism and events activity taking place in Worcester during Summer 2019.


The Kiln Co-Working Innovation Space, 2 Copenhagen Street - Progress Update June 2019 pdf icon PDF 100 KB

That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee note the update on The Kiln Co-working Innovation Space Project.



The Sub-Committee considered an update report on the Kiln Co-Working Innovation Space at 2 Copenhagen Street.


The Economic Development Officer, in presenting the report, updated the Sub-Committee on the progress of the refurbishment works which is scheduled for completion at the end of July.  The Sub-Committee were also informed that the decision to open the Kiln 0.5 co-working space in the Guildhall has created a number of positive outcomes, details of which are set out in paragraph 3.2 of the report.


The project management team continue to meet on a regular basis and a communication and marketing plan is being developed.  The official opening of the Kiln is scheduled for September 2019.


The Worcestershire LEP claim for £195,000 was completed within deadline and has been approved and paid.  Evidence of Worcester City Council’s match-funding is to be submitted to the LEP by the end of June.


Worcester City Council will become a member of the Kiln Co-Working Community Interest Company and a request for Councillor representation will be made at the Policy and Resources Committee in June.


RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note the update on The Kiln Co-Working Innovations Space Project.


Annual and Quarter 4 Performance Report for 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 83 KB

1.      That the Place and Economic Development Sub- Committee notes the Council’s annual and quarter 4 performance for 2018/19; and


2.      That the committee notes the proposed revised due dates for key projects as stated in the relevant project narrative in Appendix 1.



Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered the annual and quarter 4 performance for the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee for 2018/19 attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


The Performance Scorecard will be refreshed for 2019/20 with projects completed in 2018/19 replaced with new projects as previously agreed by the Sub-Committee on the 4th March 2019.  Reporting against the new scorecard will commence in quarter 1 2019/20.


The Corporate Director – Place presented the report and responded to questions from Sub-Committee Members on various projects within the performance report.


RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee:


1.      notes the Council’s annual and quarter 4 performance for 2018/19; and


2       notes the proposed revised due dates for key projects as stated in the relevant project narrative in Appendix 1.






Any Other Business

Which in the opinion of the Chairman is of sufficient urgency as to warrant consideration.

