Agenda and minutes
Venue: Guildhall
Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722006, 722005, 722085
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: The following declarations of interest were made:
Councillors Geraghty and Mrs L. Hogdson – Proposal for the Support Development Budget: Worcester City Council Business Grants and Worcestershire ERDF Programme Extension (Minute 78) and Skills Enabling Budget Growth (Minute 79) – As Members of Worcestershire County Council
Councillor Geraghty – Skills Enabling Budget Growth (Minute 79) – As a member of Worcestershire LEP
Councillor Mrs L. Hodgson – Skills Enabling Budget Growth (Minute 79) – As a member of the Heart of Worcestershire College Corporation
Councillor Gregson – Worcester City Art in Public Places Strategy 2018 (Minute 82) – As a consultee as part of the proposal
Councillor Mrs L. Hodgson – Worcester City Art in Public Places Strategy 2018 (Minute 82) – As Worcestershire County Council Cabinet Member with responsibilities for Communities
Public Participation Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Sub-Committee. Minutes: None. |
Of the meeting held on 23rd July 2018 to be approved and signed. Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd July 2018 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. |
Budget Setting Priorities PDF 86 KB Report to follow. Additional documents:
Minutes: Shane Flynn, the Corporate Director – Finance and Resources, informed the Sub-Committee that the report on setting of the budget for 2019/20 and MTFP to 20123/24 was to provide contextual and financial information within the remit of the Committee.
Mark Baldwin, Head of Finance, presented the generic report which was also on the agenda for the Environment and Communities Committees.
The report contained the summary budgets at Appendix 1, which provided budgets for each of the Council’s services covering income and expenditure. The Transformation Programme update for the Sub-Committee was highlighted in Appendix 2 and Members were asked to review the budget for each service and the progress made in achieving the savings. In addition to these the Capital Programme to 2022/23 that was approved as part of the annual budget in February 2018 was shown in Appendix 3.
Members were also asked to consider whether current projects were still appropriate for each services and whether there were any further needs that required addressing. The Sub-Committee’s attention was drawn to paragraph 3.3 of the report which identified that the Council faced a reduction in its future funding this would mean that this exercise was likely to result in a reduction of resources rather than an increase in the net budget available.
Shane Flynn, the Corporate Director – Finance and Resources, responded to Members on points of clarification and advised that proposals could be considered for inclusion in the draft budget to be presented to the Policy and Resources Committee on 11th December or, subsequently, as part of the budget consultation exercise to inform the final budget to be presented at the Policy and Resources Committee on 5th January.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee
1. note the budgets for the various services identified for 2018/19; and
2. consider the priorities within each service and recommends any change of emphasis for the services’ transformation plans.
Local Development Scheme 2018-2021 PDF 99 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee recommend to Council that the Local Development Scheme 2018-2021 set out at Appendix 1 is approved to come into effect from 1st November 2018.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Local Development Scheme 2018-2021. The preferred option was to approve the Local Development Scheme as set out in Appendix 1 attached to the report which would come into effect on 1st November 2018.
Maria Dunn, Planning Policy Team Leader, presented the report and informed Members that the Local Development Scheme set out the planning policy work programme for a 3 year period. The last one was adopted in 2017 and it was best practice to update it annually.
The Sub-Committee were informed that the revised Local Development Scheme would cover the period 2018-2021 and the three main changes from the 2017 version were as outlined at paragraph 2.3 of the report.
In response to a question from Members on the removal of Supplementary Planning Documents, the Planning Policy Team Leader informed the Sub-Committee that two were to be removed from the 2017 document as they had not been progressed, namely Archaeology and the Historic Environment and Biodiversity, all others would remain in place.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee recommend to Council that the Local Development Scheme 2018-2021, set out in Appendix 1, is approved to come into effect from 1st November 2018. |
South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) Review - Issues and Options Consultation PDF 112 KB That the Place and Economic Development Committee recommend to Council that the South Worcestershire Development Plan Issues and Options, as set out at Appendix 1 to this report, is approved for consultation between 5th November 2018 and 17th December 2018 and that consultation be undertaken in accordance with the Consultation Plan set out at Appendix 3 to this report.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) Review – Issues and Options consultation. The preferred option was to undertake consultation on the Issues and Options papers as set out in Appendix1 attached to the report in accordance with the Consultation Plan at Appendix 3.
Maria Dunn, Planning Policy Team Leader, presented the report and informed Members that Local Plans were now required to be reviewed every 5 years and each of the South Worcestershire Council’s agreed to work together on a review of the SWDP in late 2017. The review would cover the period to 2041.
The Issues and Options was the first public consultation stage and it set out what the Council’s considered to be the main issues for the plan to address. There were no site allocations at this stage, these would be introduced at the Preferred Options stage. The consultation was due to take place from Monday 5th November to Monday 17th December 2018.
In referring to Appendix 1 attached to the report, which would form part of the consultation, Members expressed concern that at Section 6 of the document, ‘Visions and Objectives’ paragraph 6.3, public transport provision was referred to, but in no more detail than that. It was felt that there was no mention of reducing traffic congestion and air quality in the City Centre and that cycling should be encouraged to improve health.
There were also comments made on Section 10 of the document related to ‘The Tourism Economy’ and Section 14 ‘Telecommunications’. In both cases comments would be made by Members as part of the consultation.
At the end of the ‘Visions and Objectives’ section there was an opportunity to say whether the SWDP objectives were still appropriate, and if not what should be changed. The Planning Policy Team Leader informed Members that in going forward she would note any comments made and once consultation had started individual Members could make their own comments and Council as a whole could make changes at the Council meeting next week if they wished. It was pointed out however that there would be no wish to change the vision just before the start of the consultation and this would entail a long process and would need to be agreed with the other district Councils.
Members agreed that there was not a wish to disrupt the consultation process but wanted to ensure that comments were recorded to be addressed later in the plan-making process.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee recommend to Council that the South Worcestershire Development Plan Issues and Options, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report, is approved for consultation between 5th November 2018 and 17th December 2018 and that consultation be undertaken in accordance with the Consultation Plan set out in Appendix 3 to the report. |
Worcester City Council Retail Monitor 2017-2018 PDF 95 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee note the Worcester City Council Retail Monitor (April 2017-March 2018).
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Retail Monitor for the period April 2017 to March 2018, the main document attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
Adrian Becker, Senior Planning Policy Officer, presented the report and informed Members that this was the second annual Retail Monitor since 2004. The Retail Monitor did compare the position across the past two years but it would take several more years of monitoring before clear trends in the Worcester retail sector became clear.
Retail surveys were carried out in July 2018 and recorded 128 vacant units up from 112 units in July 2017. Vacant units also accounted for 13.4 percent of all unit compared to 11.8 percent in July 2017. The increase in vacancies this year meant that Worcester now had a vacancy rate above the national average which was between 11.2 percent and 12.6 percent at the end of 2017. 7.1 percent of retail units had now been vacant for more than one year which was very similar to the 7.2 percent in 2016/17.
Members were pleased to see the re-introduction of this report which enabled the retail footprint to be tracked. Members were mindful of the changing nature of the City Centre and the need to look at in the future, maybe as part of the Masterplan. It was also suggested that these issues could be considered further by the way of a separate paper at a future meeting or a Member briefing session.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note the Worcester City Council Retail Monitor for the period April 2017-March 2018. |
Worcester City Council Developer Contributions Monitor 2018-2018 PDF 88 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee note the Worcester City Council Developer Contributions Monitor (April 2017-March 2018) and the potential projects for consideration in future planning obligations set out in section nine of this monitoring report.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Developer Contributions Monitor for the period April 2017 to March 2018, the main document attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
Adrian Becker, Senior Planning Policy Officer, presented the report and informed Members that the monitoring report documented the progress of developer contributions from the signing of a new planning obligation to the eventually spending of developer contributions on relevant infrastructure projects.
In the twelve months 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 the City Council signed four new planning obligations, collected just £1,738 in developer contributions (compared to £407,640 collected in 2016/17) and spent £597,658 of developer contributions (£552,284 in 2016/17) on relevant infrastructure projects. Schedule one at page 19 of the monitoring report provided details of the sums received and spent from individual planning obligations. In future years the monitoring report would also include information about the administration, collection and spending of Community Infrastructure Levy developer contributions. Members asked for reassurances that all monies received would be spent and not returned to developers. RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee note the Worcester City Council Developer Contributions Monitor for the period April 2017-March 2018, and the potential projects for consideration in future planning obligations set out in section nine of the monitoring report. |
Worcester City Council Housing Land Monitor 2018 and the Five Year Housing Land Supply PDF 91 KB 1. That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee note the results of the Housing Land Monitor 2018 (HLM) and the updated housing land supply position with regard to maintaining a 5 year supply of housing land; and 2. That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee endorse the approach that the Local Planning Authority continues to approve sustainable housing development in Worcester in accordance with the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) development strategy, and the National Planning Policy Framework. This approach accords with the aims of boosting housing supply now, and maintaining a robust 5 year housing supply position in the future.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Housing Land Monitor 2018 and the five year housing land supply as at 31st March 2018, the main document was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.
Adrian Becker, Senior Planning Policy Officer, presented the report and informed Members that the Housing Land Monitor reported an increase in the future supply of approved development for the first time in 4 years. This was due to the number of large site applications that were approved. Subsequent to this, the five year supply had improved further from 7 years in 2017 to 9.12 years in 2018.
It was reported that of the 250 net completions, 99 were affordable housing units. This was an increase on the 84 units delivered in 2016/17 and a significant increase in proportion to the total number of completions. The SWDP target for affordable homes within the Worcester City boundary is 71 units per year. The average number of affordable homes built each year over the past twelve years is 104. With the significant increase in commitments, this figure should be met in future years.
Members welcomed the report particularly the land supply increase and the number of affordable homes.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee
1. note the results of the Housing Land Monitor 2018 (HLM) and the updated housing land supply position with regard to maintaining a 5 year supply of housing land; and
2. endorse the approach that the Local Planning Authority continues to approve sustainable housing development in Worcester in accordance with the adopted South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) development strategy, and the National Planning Policy Framework. This approach accords with the aims of boosting housing supply now, and maintaining a robust 5 year housing supply position in the future. |
1. That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee agree to allocate £12,000 from the £100,000 Support Business Development Budget to enable the Worcester City Council Business Grant programme to continue until March 2019; and
2. That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee agree to allocate £23,250 from the £100,000 Support Business Development Budget as match funding towards the Worcestershire ERDF Programme extension.
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the proposal for the Support Business Development Budget: Worcester City Council Business Grants and Worcestershire ERDF Programme extension.
Janet Yates, Economic Development Officer presented the report and informed Members that the Worcester City Council Business Grant scheme was scheduled to end in March 2019, the current status was outlined in paragraph 2.3 of the report. However there was not sufficient budget to keep the scheme going until this date. The proposal was to allocate £12,000 from the Support Business Development budget to enable the Business Grant Scheme to continue under the current programme unto March 2019.
The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Business Support and Grant Scheme was also due to finish in 2019, the current status was outlined in paragraph 2.4 of the report. Members were informed that Worcestershire County Council had started the process to seek additional ERDF funding to extend the programme for a further 3 years as outlined in the report. The proposal was to allocate £23,250 from the Support Business Development Budget to enable Worcester City Council to provide match funding towards the ERDF Programme extension.
The Economic Development Officer informed Members that a further report would be submitted to the Sub-Committee in January 2019 for the following proposals for the remaining budget allocation of £64,750:
· Business Support and engagement; · Inward Investment and marketing; and · Creative art spaces.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee
1. agree to allocate £12,000 from the £100,000 Support Business Development Budget to enable the Worcester City Council Business Grant programme to continue until March 2019; and
2. agree to allocate £23,250 from the £100,000 Support Business Development Budget as match funding towards the Worcestershire ERDF programme extension. |
Skills Enabling Budget Growth PDF 115 KB The Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee are recommended to:
1. Approve the proposal to increase the Employment and Skills delivery budget in year 2018/2019 by £95, 589 from £59,500 to £155,089, noting that year to date actual and committed spend is £60,763; and
2. Approve the approach taken to expand 2018/2019 delivery within the three priority areas: (i) Priority 2: Connecting Schools and Business Increase budget by £12,220 to include additional support for city schools and colleges to meet Gatsby Benchmarks under the auspices of the Worcestershire Careers Hub. (ii) Priority 3: Skills for Growth Increase budget by £47,050 to include £15,000 contribution to the new Worcestershire Junior Internship programme to tackle the higher level, technical skills shortage hampering growth of high value sectors. (iii) Priority 4: Inclusive Growth Increase budget by £33,437 to support a new programme of support for out of work residents as set out in the ‘Inclusive Growth scheme’ paper submitted to this meeting.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Skills Enabling Budget – Growth Proposals.
Amanda Lloyd, the Economic Development Officer (People), informed Members that the approach taken to expand the 2018/19 delivery would be within 3 priority areas as set out in paragraph 1.2 of the report. The Economic Development Officer (People) expanded on these priorities and identified that Priority 4: Inclusive Growth was the subject of a separate report.
Appendix 1 attached to the report set out the revised 2018/19 delivery plan with a budget totalling £155,089, growth of £95,589. The Economic Development Officer (People) responded to questions from Members on the contents of the delivery plan.
Members asked for assurance that the Inclusive Growth funding would support residents in need across all of the City, and not just target specific wards where economic indicators were above average. It was commented that there were pockets of unemployment in every neighbourhood including west of the river where there is currently less delivery.
The Economic Development Officer (People) confirmed that the Inclusive Growth Fund would target priority groups and not geographical areas. The evaluation panel would make the final decision on the overall funding programme and would be advised to seek a balance of activity across the City. Councillor Mrs Lucy Hodgson will chair the panel representing the Sub-Committee alongside Councillor Denham and Stephen with three Officers from Economic Development, Community Services and Strategic Housing.
RESOLED: That the Sub-Committee
1. Approve the proposal to increase the Employment and Skills delivery budget in year 2018/2019 by £95, 589 from £59,500 to £155,089, noting that year to date actual and committed spend is £60,763; and
2. Approve the approach taken to expand 2018/2019 delivery within the three priority areas: (i) Priority 2: Connecting Schools and Business Increase budget by £12,220 to include additional support for city schools and colleges to meet Gatsby Benchmarks under the auspices of the Worcestershire Careers Hub; (ii) Priority 3: Skills for Growth Increase budget by £47,050 to include £15,000 contribution to the new Worcestershire Junior Internship programme to tackle the higher level, technical skills shortage hampering growth of high value sectors; and (iii) Priority 4: Inclusive Growth Increase budget by £33,437 to support a new programme of support for out of work residents as set out in the ‘Inclusive Growth scheme’ paper submitted to this meeting.
Inclusive Growth Scheme PDF 193 KB The Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee are recommended to:
1. Approve the proposed commissioning model and timetable to develop and deliver a new Worcester City Inclusive Growth scheme as agreed in the 2018/2019 employment and skills delivery plan; 2. Approve the proposed 2018/2019 Round One budget of £40,376 and 2019/2020 Round Two budget of £40,880 (with reference to full budget recommendations set out in Item 10 Skills Enabling Budget - Growth Proposals; 3. Note that an early application into the Inclusive Growth programme has resulted in a contract award to Worcester Community Trust to deliver accredited construction training to out of work adults with health and disability barriers; and 4. Note that a separate bid into the Armed Forces Covenant funding scheme is being prepared for December 2018, to secure an additional £20,000 to deliver an employability project which will address the specific needs of the ex-services community.
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Worcester City Inclusive Growth Scheme.
Amanda Lloyd, the Economic Development Officer (People), informed Members that the preferred option was to commission inclusive growth funding via two open, competitive bidding rounds in November 2018 and January 2019 with project starts scheduled from January 2019 and April 2019. Contracts would be awarded for a minimum of three months to twelve months maximum. Paragraph 3.13 of the report outlined the timetable.
The open rounds would invite applications from the local third sector provider market to deliver projects which would support one or more of the priority target cohorts as identified in paragraph 3.6 of the report.
The Economic Development Officer (People) responded to questions from Members related to the commissioning model at paragraph 3.5, and in particular performance related pay. It was asked that the evaluation panel look at this area in more detail. It was agreed that outcome related payments do see results.
The Economic Development Officer (People) stated that she would cap the applications at £10,000 focusing on small community providers. She stated that part of the inclusivity programme would be to strengthen referrals and signposting between the job centre and other organisations supporting the same residents. The new fund would be advertised on social media and on the Council’s website.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee
1. approve the proposed commissioning model and timetable to develop and deliver a new Worcester City Inclusive Growth scheme as agreed in the 2018/2019 employment and skills delivery plan; 2. approve the proposed 2018/2019 Round One budget of £40,376 and 2019/2020 Round Two budget of £40,880 (with reference to full budget recommendations set out in Item 10 Skills Enabling Budget - Growth Proposals; 3. note that an early application into the Inclusive Growth programme has resulted in a contract award to Worcester Community Trust to deliver accredited construction training to out of work adults with health and disability barriers; and 4. note that a separate bid into the Armed Forces Covenant funding scheme is being prepared for December 2018, to secure an additional £20,000 to deliver an employability project which will address the specific needs of the ex-services community. |
Worcestershire Careers Hub PDF 106 KB 1. That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee note:
a) That Worcestershire is to become one of the first of 20 ‘Careers Hubs’ around England to help transform careers education for young people in the county;
b) The new ‘hub’ will bring additional staff resource to support Worcester City schools, colleges and their appointed careers and enterprise company (CEC) advisors; and
c) The focus of Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance interventions will be to target individual school improvements against all eight of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on the Worcestershire Careers Hub.
Amanda Lloyd, Economic Development Officer (People), in presenting the report, informed Members that following a successful bid by the Worcestershire Local Enterprise Partnership in July 2018, Worcestershire was to become one of the first 20 ‘Career Hubs’ around England to help transform careers education for young people in the county.
The key components of the new Worcestershire Careers Hub were identified at paragraph 3.4 of the report.
The additional resource and investment brought to Worcester City schools and colleges through the Worcestershire Careers Hub supplemented with local discretionary funding will enable a re-invigorated and targeted campaign to ensure all young people in Worcester schools and colleges are accessing best practice careers guidance linked to real opportunities which will support economic growth in the City.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee notes
1. that Worcestershire is to become one of the first of 20 ‘Careers Hubs’ around England to help transform careers education for young people in the county;
2. the new ‘hub’ will bring additional staff resource to support Worcester City schools, colleges and their appointed careers and enterprise company (CEC) advisors; and
3. the focus of Careers, Information, Advice and Guidance interventions will be to target individual school improvements against all eight of the Gatsby Benchmarks.
Worcester City Art in Public Places Strategy 2018 PDF 124 KB 1. That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee approves the contents of the strategy document and action plan attached at Appendix 1 as part of a wider City Council Cultural Development Strategy;
2. That the contents of the report and the action plan are taken forward as a supplementary planning document to the National Planning Policy Framework and the South Worcestershire Development Plan; and
3. That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee agrees the establishment of a £50,000 rolling programme of seed funding budget for arts projects as outlined in the strategy (paragraph 8.3 – page 27 of the strategy document - Providing Match and Seed Funding). It is expected that the funding will come from the City Plan allocation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on the Worcester City Art in Public Places Strategy 2018.
Mark Radford, Economic Development Officer, presented the report and informed Members that the preferred option was to adopt the strategy document and action plan attached at Appendix 1 to the report with a view to incorporating it into a wider City Council Cultural Development Strategy at a later date.
The consultant Artservice were appointed to produce the draft document. The work was carried out during the summer 2018 and as part of this interviewed a number of people across the public and private sectors to inform the context. The full list of consultees was detailed in appendix 1 of the strategy document. The key aims and objectives of the strategy were set out in paragraph 2.5 of the report.
The Sub-Committee were being asked to agree the establishment of a £50,000 rolling programme seed funding budget as outlined in the strategy at paragraph 8.3. The money would be used to develop a programme of public art across the City. It was also intended to seek additional funding contributions to match the size of the fund.
During general discussion Members expressed support for the strategy document and the action plan but had reservations over the request for a rolling fund of £50,00 from the City Plan allocation, as this was a big commitment for the Council.
A proposal was made that the recommendation at 1.3 be amended to defer to the budget cycle for further consideration.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee
1. approves the contents of the strategy document and action plan attached at Appendix 1 as part of a wider City Council Cultural Development Strategy;
2. notes that the contents of the report and the action plan are taken forward as a supplementary planning document to the National Planning Policy Framework and the South Worcestershire Development Plan; and
3. defers the establishment of a £50,000 rolling programme of seed funding budget for arts projects as outlined in the strategy (paragraph 8.3 – page 27 of the strategy document - Providing Match and Seed Funding) to be discussed further as part of the budget setting cycle for 2019/20.
Improving Neighbourhood Centres PDF 113 KB It is recommended that the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee:
1. Notes the contents of the assessment report attached at Appendix 1.;
2. Approves the action plan set out at paragraph 3.2 of this report; and
3. Approves the use of the £15,000 allocated from the Small Projects Development Fund to take forward some of the actions set out in paragraph 3.2.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on Improving Neighbourhood Centres.
Mark Radford, Economic Development Officer, presented the report and informed Members that the survey work and production of the action plan had been completed in-house by the Economic Development and Regeneration Team. The detailed assessment report including assessment findings, reports for each local centre, and suggested actions was attached as Appendix 1 to the report. The action plan was outlined paragraph 2.7 of the report. The project was allocated £15,000 from the Small Project Development Fund to identify potential improvements need to neighbourhood shopping centres. As the initial work had been undertaken in-house, none of the £15,000 had been spent so far. Members were informed that each neighbourhood centre was subject to a ‘health check’ based on specific criteria, as specified on page 2 of Appendix 1. 18 were included in the review as shown in paragraph 2.4 of the report.
The general picture was one of overall health among local shopping centres in the city, with 186 occupied units and 15 vacant units out of the 201 units available across all centres. This equated to an overall vacancy rate of 7.46%. 40% of the vacant units were contained within just one local centre, which is due for major redevelopment. 11 of the 18 local centres surveyed had no vacant units at all. The Economic Development Officer responded to questions from Members. Members welcomed the report which was very detailed and provided an excellent update. It was noted that the stage 2 report would provide details of the information gathering and an idea of how much the improvements would cost, which potentially could be more than the £15,000 allocated, although it was suggested that Section 106 agreements could be a possibility for some areas. RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee
1. notes the contents of the assessment report attached at Appendix 1;
2. approves the action plan set out at paragraph 2.7 of this report; and
3. approves the use of the £15,000 allocated from the Small Projects Development Fund to take forward some of the actions set out in paragraph 2.7.
Quarter 2 Performance Report 2018-19 PDF 82 KB That the Place and Economic Development Sub-Committee considers the Council’s Quarter 2 performance for 2018/19. Additional documents: Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered a report on performance against relevant Key Performance Indicators for Quarter 2.
The Quarter 2 performance scorecard was attached as appendix 1 to the report.
RESOLVED: That the Sub-Committee notes the Council’s Quarter 2 performance for 2018/19.
Any Other Business Which in the opinion of the Chairman is of sufficient urgency as to warrant consideration. Minutes: None. |