Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Guildhall
Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722085, 722027
No. | Item |
Appointment of Substitutes To receive details of any Members appointed to attend the meeting instead of a Member of the Committee. Minutes: Councillor Denham for Councillor Udall. |
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: The following declaration of interest was made:
Councillor Hodgson – Draft Ash Dieback Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2027 (Minute 39) - as a Warndon Parish Council Member who are stakeholders involved in the Action Plan. |
Public Participation Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Committee. Minutes: Paul Snookes, Worcester Environmental Group, referred Committee to the Wild About Worcester Way map of the 12-mile circular route of wildlife corridors connecting 15 green spaces around the city, which has been very successful. Now this has been established he would like to enhance it for biodiversity and sought the support of the City Council and the Environment Committee. He also invited the Environment Committee on the walk. He acknowledged the fundamental change in biodiversity in the city and welcomed the appointment of a Biodiversity Officer, the subject of a report on the committee’s agenda.
The Chair thanked Mr Snookes and stated that a written response would be provided. |
Of the meeting held on 7th November 2023 to be approved and signed.
Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 7th November 2023 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. |
Quarter 3 Performance Report 2023/24 PDF 91 KB That the Environment Committee notes the Council’s quarter 3 performance for 2023/24.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report on the Council’s Quarter 3 performance for Environment Committee for 2023/24. The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources presented the report and highlighted the main points.
Officers responded to questions and points of clarification from Committee Members, in particular around the Green Homes Grant HUG2 Scheme, garden waste collections, dog waste bins and environmental fixed penalty notices. A question was asked about the Green Homes Grant scheme and whether those living on houseboats were eligible to apply. It was agreed that a written response would be provided to Committee Members on this particular issue.
RESOLVED: That the Committee note the Council’s quarter 3 performance report for 2023/24. |
Setting the Budget for 2024/25 and the MTFP to 2028/29 PDF 107 KB 1. That the Committee notes the proposed Budgets for the various services identified for 2024/25. 2. That the Committee considers the priorities within each service and recommends any change for the services’ Budgets. 3. That the Committee considers the services’ Capital programme and future projects and recommends any changes or additions.
4. That the Committee reviews any new budget proposals from members and makes recommendations to Policy and Resources Committee as appropriate.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Committee considered the priorities within the budgets relating to services within the remit of the Committee for 2024/25.
The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources presented the report and accompanied appendices and asked Members to consider any potential changes for the areas that fall under the remit of the Committee, including any new budget proposals.
Members did not identify any changes to budgets or the capital programme and there were no new budget proposals. The Corporate Director advised that any new proposals can be submitted to the 6th February 2024 Policy and Resources Committee.
RESOLVED: That the Committee agree to: 1. note the proposed Budgets for the various services identified for 2024/25; 2. note the priorities each service; 3. note the services’ Capital programme and future projects; and 4. recommend the Policy and Resources Committee to agree the proposed budgets as set out in the report.
Depot Electrification Feasibility Study PDF 125 KB 1. That the Committee allocates a budget of up to £40k from the Environmental Sustainability enabling reserve to support consideration of electrification of all the Council’s depots;
2. That, subject to receipt of a grant offer as detailed within this report, and subject to assessment of any grant conditions, the Committee delegates authority to the Corporate Director, Operations, Homes and Communities, in consultation with Chair and Vice-Chair of Environment Committee, to accept a grant from the Midlands Net Zero Hub’s Depot Electrification Feasibility Funding Competition; and
3. The Committee delegates authority to the Corporate Director, Operations, Homes and Communities, in consultation with Chair and Vice-Chair of Environment Committee, to procure the study as described in the report.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on the depot electrification feasibility study. The Sustainability Team Leader presented the report and informed the Committee that the Council continues to move towards electrifying its operational fleet in accordance with the Environmental Sustainability Action Plan. In 2022-23, 38% of the City Council’s carbon emissions were from the fleet and the transition to zero emission vehicles to reduce the carbon footprint is outlined in the vison of the Environmental Sustainability Strategy.
Charging infrastructure is a fundamental requirement to support a transition to an electrically powered fleet. The Council’s operational fleet is mainly based at the Warndon depot, a shared site with Worcestershire County Council. In November, an Electrification of Council Depots feasibility funding competition was announced by Midlands Net Zero Hub, this is intended to fund feasibility studies to look into all aspects of depot electrification to support individual Councils and increase the knowledge base across the sector.
A joint bid between the City Council and County Council has been submitted. The proposed Techno Economic Feasibility Study will provide a concept design and indicative blueprint for depot layouts as well as budget cost estimates. The Councils’ planning for electrification of the Warndon site is still at early stages and a techno-economic feasibility study is the logical next step to establish overall feasibility and initial financial implications. Notification of the funding applications will be made on 1st February 2024. The report requests a budget of up to £40k to cover the City Councill’s match funding element and provide sufficient contingency to undertake a study that covers all of the Council’s depots.
The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources explained the financial element within the report for the benefit of Committee Members.
Reference was made to paragraph 3.8 of the report and the initials DNO, this was clarified as District Network Operator.
Committee Members welcomed the report and thanked officers for identifying and applying for the funding. The Chair asked that Committee Members are informed of the funding bid outcome once know.
That the Committee agree to:
1. allocate a budget of up to £40k from the Environmental Sustainability enabling reserve to support consideration of electrification of all the Council’s depots;
2. subject to receipt of a grant offer as detailed within this report, and subject to assessment of any grant conditions, delegates authority to the Corporate Director - Operations, Homes and Communities, in consultation with Chair and Vice-Chair of Environment Committee, to accept a grant from the Midlands Net Zero Hub’s Depot Electrification Feasibility Funding Competition; and
3. delegate authority to the Corporate Director - Operations, Homes and Communities, in consultation with Chair and Vice-Chair of Environment Committee, to procure the study as described in the report.
Biodiversity Resource PDF 109 KB That Members approve an allocation of £50,000 from the Environment Sustainability enabling reserve, to part-fund a new post of biodiversity officer for a two-year fixed period.
Minutes: The Committee considered a report on Biodiversity Resource.
The Sustainability Team Leader stated that the recommendation was to approve an allocation of £50,000 to part fund a new post of Biodiversity Officer for a two-year fixed period.
The post holder will help ensure the Council meets its obligations under the Environment Act, including biodiversity net gain and the enhanced biodiversity duty and to support the Council’s response to address it’s declared Biodiversity Emergency. The first priority will be to support the development of a biodiversity strategy. The role will also assess the potential for the Council to offer Biodiversity Credits, advise the Council on biodiversity friendly land management practices, and support planning officers in assessing developer proposals including commissioning appropriate external specialist expertise.
The funding for the two-year post was explained in paragraphs 4.1-4.5 of the report.
It was asked if the £53k of the New Burdens funding, as referred to in paragraph 4.2 of the report, was the maximum amount that could be applied for. The Sustainability Team Leader explained that this was an allocation rather than an application.
Committee Members welcomed the proposal and hoped that there would be the ability to apply for further funding at the end of the two- year period.
RESOLVED: That the Committee approve an allocation of £50,000 from the Environment Sustainability enabling reserve, to part-fund a new post of Biodiversity Officer for a two-year fixed period. |
Weed Control and Use of Glyphosate - Update Report PDF 295 KB That Committee:
1. Note the contents of the report, and in particular the work underway to investigate alternative weed control management methods; and
2. Note that following completion of investigation works, an options appraisal report will be presented to this Committee for consideration. Minutes: The Committee received an update report weed control and the use of glyphosate.
The Bereavement and Greenspaces Manager presented the report and provided Committee Members with the background to Glyphosate and the need for the Council to consider alternative approaches to weed control. The Council’s current usage of herbicide was outlined in section 3 of the report.
It was reported that work has commenced on investigating alternative methods of weed control, including Hot Water System; Fire System and Root Wave Electronic System. Each of these methods were detailed in the report with estimated costs.
It is intended to present the full findings of this investigation work and a detailed options appraisal to Committee by the Autumn 2024 Committee cycle, enabling Members to take a decision on how they wish to undertake weed control ahead of the 2025 growing season.
Officers responded to questions and comments from Committee Members.
RESOLVED: That Committee agree to:
1. note the contents of the report, and in particular the work underway to investigate alternative weed control management methods; and
2. note that following completion of investigation works, an options appraisal report will be presented to this Committee for consideration.
Ash Dieback Strategy and Action Plan PDF 150 KB That the Committee:
1. Note the contents of the report, and in particular the Draft Ash Dieback Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2027 at Appendix 1;
2. Approve the Draft Ash Dieback Strategy and Action Plan at Appendix 1;
3. Recommends to Policy & Resources Committee, the provision of a revenue allocation of £65,000 for 2024/25 to support delivery of the strategy and action plan in Year 1; and 4. Notes that a further report will be presented to this Committee in January 2025, updating on progress with Year 1 delivery of the strategy and action plan and seeking budget provision for 2025/26 – 2026/27.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Committee considered a report on the draft Ash Dieback Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2027. The draft strategy and action plan were attached as appendix 1 to the report. The Bereavement and Greenspaces Manager presented the report.
The aim of the strategy is to effectively address the risks presented by the impact of ash dieback, conserve the ecosystems ash trees are found in across the city, and prepare for a positive regeneration phase that provides a net biodiversity gain over time.
The Council will approach ash dieback in a risk-based manner and the councils risk assessment of ash trees will be aided by the use of Suffolk County Council’s Crown Health Assessment that enables grading of a tree from Class 1 to Class 4. Using this approach, a list of areas, as outlined in paragraph 2.12 of the report, have been identified as higher risk due to a combination of higher footfall and trees at Class 3 and 4, and will be the focus of priority resource over the coming months. Other areas of lower levels of footfall were outlined in paragraph 2.13.
The supporting action plan is split into 4 themes: plan delivery, communication and strategic planning; short term risk, actions and public safety; long term risk, actions and the environment; and recovery. The action plan will guide the work of the service over the next 3 years, with short term actions as listed in paragraph 2.20.
It is intended to present an annual report to Committee (January) to update on progress with the strategy and action plan. The January 2025 report will also set out any budget requirements for the years ahead taking the learning from year 1 delivery of the strategy.
The Committee were being asked to recommend to Policy and Resources an additional revenue provision of £65,000 for 2024-25. This will enable specialist contractors to be brought in to manage trees that require specialist equipment and are more complicated in nature.
Officers responded to questions and points of clarification from Committee Members in relation to the strategy and the action plan.
The Committee welcomed the report and the risk-based approach to be taken. It was also acknowledged that a plan was now in the public domain.
RESOLVED: That the Committee agree to:
1. note the contents of the report, and in particular the Draft Ash Dieback Strategy and Action Plan 2024-2027 at Appendix 1;
2. approve the Draft Ash Dieback Strategy and Action Plan at Appendix 1;
3. recommends to Policy and Resources Committee, the provision of a revenue allocation of £65,000 for 2024/25 to support delivery of the strategy and action plan in Year 1; and 4. note that a further report will be presented to this Committee in January 2025, updating on progress with Year 1 delivery of the strategy and action plan and seeking budget provision for 2025/26 – 2026/27.
Any Other Business Which in the opinion of the Chair is of sufficient urgency as to warrant consideration. Minutes: None. |