Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722027, 722085 

No. Item


Appointment of Substitutes

To receive details of any Members appointed to attend the meeting instead of a Member of the Committee.


Councillor Barnes for Councillor Desayrah.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


Councillor Barnes expressed an interest in item 5 (Quarter 4 and Annual Performance Report for 2023/24 and item 63 (Annual Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Update 2023/24) insofar as she had as she has participated in the Homes for Ukraine Scheme.


Public Participation

Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question, or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Committee.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 103 KB

Of the meeting held on 13th March 2024 to be approved and signed.


Councillor Laurenson raised two points in relation to minute 52 (Update on Homes for Ukraine Support Scheme) as a local resident had raised two issues of accuracy with him. Firstly, it had been stated in the Officer presentation at the meeting that only UK nationals can now become hosts, which is incorrect. Secondly, the Committee report stated that a person must be British and have settled status. This should have read British OR have settled status. He asked the Committee to note these points.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


Quarter 4 and Annual Performance Report for 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 90 KB

That the Communities Committee notes the Council’s quarter 4 and annual performance for 2023/24.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the annual and quarter 4 performance report. The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources presented the report and Officers responded to questions from Committee Members on detailed aspects of the report.


RESOLVED: That the Committee agree to note the Council’s quarter 4 and annual performance for 2023/24.


Proposed Committee Performance Scorecard for 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 99 KB

That the Communities Committee considers the proposed content of the Communities Performance Scorecard for 2024/25.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the proposed content of the Communities Performance Scorecard for 2024/25. The Corporate Director – Finance and Resources presented the report and Officers responded to questions and comments from Committee members.


No amendments were formally agreed. The Corporate Director advised that the measures can be amended at future meetings throughout the year.


In the ensuing discussion, the number of sport and play participants was raised as the target was decreasing at a time when the Council is investing in leisure facilities across the city. In response, it was stated that the target is most likely based on 2023/24 actual, however Officers will check and confirm in writing.


RESOLVED: That the Committee note the proposed content of the Communities Performance Scorecard for 2024/25.


Annual Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Update 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 139 KB

That the Committee:


1.   Notes the contents of this report and in particular the Annual Homelessness  and Rough Sleeper Report 2022/23 attached at Appendix 1;


2.   Notes the update of the Homelessness and Rough City Action Plan attached at Appendix 2; and


3.   Notes the proposed allocation of resources from the Homelessness Prevention Grant for the year 2024/25.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Annual Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Report 2023/24. The Strategic Housing Team Manager presented the report and highlighted the main points. The update of the Homelessness and Rough City Action Plan was appended to the report. It was highlighted that the two primary funding streams available to the Council are the Homelessness Prevention Grant and Rough Sleeper Initiative Grant.  Confirmation of the allocation to the Council for the Homelessness Prevention Grant beyond 2024/25 has yet to be confirmed. Officers will be undertaking a needs assessment, establishing priority provision and services in readiness for the opportunity to bid for future funding as well as planning in the event of a reduction or cessation in funding.


Officers responded to questions and comments from Committee members. Several Members noted that a significant proportion of these services are funded through these grants, which places them at risk, and expressed the view that following the forthcoming General Election the Government should decide on future funding arrangements as a matter of priority.


A correction to page 5 of the Annual Report was highlighted – the number of approaches for 16-17 year olds should state 46.


RESOLVED: That the Committee agree to note:


1.    the contents of this report and in particular the Annual Homelessness and Rough Sleeper Report attached at Appendix 1;


2.    the update of the Homelessness and Rough City Action Plan attached at Appendix 2; and


3.    the proposed allocation of resources from the Homelessness Prevention Grant for the year 2024/25.


Recommissioning of the Worcestershire Promoting Independent Living Service pdf icon PDF 159 KB

That the Committee:


1.   Notes the contents of the report and that the existing Promoting Independent Living (PIL) Service Contract ends on 31st March 2025;


2.   Approves the Council being a party in the procurement of a Worcestershire Home Improvement Agency to deliver a PIL Service Contract covering the period 2025/26 – 2029/30;


3.   Recommends to Policy and Resources Committee approval of the use of the Council’s annual Better Care Fund allocation to fund the Councils annual contribution to the PIL Service Contract for the period 2025/26 – 2029-30; and


4.   Delegates to the Corporate Director (Operations, Homes and Communities) in consultation with the Chair and Vice Chair of this Committee, authority to grant the award of a 3 + 2-year contract to the successful tenderer(s) on behalf of the Council.


The Committee considered a report on the recommissioning of the Promoting Independent Living (PIL) contract by each of the commissioning authorities. The Head of Homes and Communities presented the report and explained that the PIL service had been delivered by Millbrook Healthcare since April 2020, following a successful procurement exercise, with the current contract due to end in March 2025.


A comprehensive service review had been undertaken, led by a project group comprising of each of the commissioning authorities and supported by Foundations, the Government-funded national body for Home Improvement Agencies. The findings had been used to inform a new specification and tenders were scheduled to be published on 7 August 2024. Subject to approval, the contract will be awarded with a start date of 1 April 2025.


it was recommended that Committee approve the recommissioning of the service and that delegation is granted to the Corporate Director, in consultation with Chair and Vice-Chair, to grant the award of a 3+2 year contract to the successful tenderer(s).


It was explained that Worcester’s contribution to the service is wholly funded through an annual allocation from the Better Care Fund (BCF). A pooled Better Care Fund allocation is paid annually by Government to Worcestershire County Council, who then automatically transfer allocations to districts. The level of district funding received is calculated by Government using a set formula. In 2023/24 the Council received a total of £848,303 of BCF funding, of which approximately £802,000 was passported through to the PIL service. The allocation for 2024/25 has been confirmed as £851,026 and it was proposed to follow the same approach.


In the ensuing discussion, the following main points were made by Officers in response to questions:


·        It was explained that the Housing Assistance Policy will be reviewed via this Committee prior to the new contract being let.


·        Officers acknowledged that satisfaction surveys are not currently required as part of the contract, and they will look to strengthen this position.


·        It is intended to bring an annual DFG report to the Committee and the contractor to be invited to attend Committee to make a presentation.


RESOLVED: That the Committee agree to:


1.    note the contents of the report and that the existing Promoting Independent Living (PIL) Service Contract ends on 31st March 2025;


2.    approve the Council being a party in the procurement of a Worcestershire Home Improvement Agency to deliver a PIL Service Contract covering the period 2025/26 – 2029/30;


3.    recommend to Policy and Resources Committee approval of the use of the Council’s annual Better Care Fund allocation to fund the Council’s annual contribution to the PIL Service Contract for the period 2025/26 – 2029-30; and


4.    delegate to the Corporate Director (Operations, Homes and Communities) in consultation with the Chair and Vice-Chair of this Committee, authority to grant the award of a 3 + 2-year contract to the successful tenderer(s) on behalf of the Council.


Disabled Facility Grants (DFG) - Temporary Suspension of Discretionary 'Top Up' Grant pdf icon PDF 146 KB

That the Committee:


1.   Notes the contents of this report, and in particular the forecasted overspend position on the Council’s Better Care Fund allocation for 2024/25 in respect of its delivery of Disabled Facility Grants;


2.   Approves with immediate effect, a temporary discontinuation of Discretionary ‘Top Up’ Grants, to ensure the Council can fund its statutory obligations in respect of Mandatory DFG applications from its Better Care Fund allocation for 2024/25; and


3.   Notes that a comprehensive review of the Council’s Housing Assistance Policy will be undertaken and presented to this Committee in March 2025.


The Committee considered a report on the position regarding the Council’s Better Care Fund allocation for 2024/25 and its delivery of Disabled Facility Grants (DFGs). The Head of Homes and Communities presented the report, which explained that for 2024/25, forecasting showed there to be already enough cases in the system to spend in excess of this year’s allocated budget. This was without any new cases and wider discretionary grants for the whole of 2024/25 being included.


Officers had investigated the Council’s discretionary spend to ensure that mandatory DFG funding was met. To mitigate the risk to the authority of overspending, the discretionary DFG top-up funding of £25,000 on top of £30,000 mandatory funding had been temporarily suspended for any new applications.


A fuller review of the Council’s Housing Assistance Policy was planned to align with the commencement of the new PIL contract, and an update would therefore be brought back to this Committee later in the year for consideration.


In the ensuing discussion, several Members commented that the £30,000 mandatory DFG limit is insufficient and needs to be reviewed.


Members expressed regret that top-up grants were being temporary discontinued. The Chair stated that in his view there was no other option at this stage, and he hoped that the review of the Council’s Housing Assistance Policy would give the Committee an opportunity to address this issue early in 2025.


RESOLVED: That the Committee agree to:


1.    note the contents of this report, and in particular the forecasted overspend position on the Council’s Better Care Fund allocation for 2024/25 in respect of its delivery of Disabled Facility Grants;


2.    approve, with immediate effect, a temporary discontinuation of Discretionary ‘Top Up’ Grants, to ensure the Council can fund its statutory obligations in respect of Mandatory DFG applications from its Better Care Fund allocation for 2024/25; and


3.    note that a comprehensive review of the Council’s Housing Assistance Policy will be undertaken and presented to this Committee in March 2025.


Any Other Business

Which in the opinion of the Chair is of sufficient urgency as to warrant consideration.

