Proposed venue: Guildhall
Contact: Ann Perry
No. | Item |
Item Involving the Disclosure of Exempt Information Minutes: RESOLVED: That under Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of information as defined in Schedule 12A of the said Act:
Consideration of a complaint against a City Councillor in respect of a Breach of the Code of Conduct
The Sub-Committee agreed that no further action be taken.
Consideration of a Complaint Made Against a Councillor in respect of a Breach of the Code of Conduct for Members Minutes: The Sub-Committee considered the complaint by Mr. Michael Arnold that Councillor Roger Knight had breached the Code of Conduct for Members in line with the following sections of the Code – Section 3 (1), (2)(b), (2)(c), (2)(d) and 5.
The Sub-Committee was satisfied that the complaint met the four initial tests as detailed in the report of the Monitoring Officer, and proceeded to assess the complaint against the assessment criteria.
The Sub-Committee considered that the information that the complainant had provided in support of his allegation of a breach of the Code of Conduct did not justify an investigation, and considered the matter to be too trivial to warrant any further action; taking into account the fact that the complaint had occurred a sufficiently long time ago and that there would be little or no benefit in taking action at this stage.
RESOLVED: That the Assessment Sub-Committee determine that no further action be taken in respect of the complaint. |