Agenda and minutes
Venue: Remote Meeting
Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722027, 722006, 722085
No. | Item |
Election of Chairman Minutes: RESOLVED: That Councillor Griffiths be appointed Chair.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. Minutes: None |
Gambling Act 2005 - Application for Premises Licence, 22a-23 The Cross, Worcester WR1 3PZ PDF 238 KB To consider and determine an application for the grant of a bingo premises licence as provided for by the Gambling Act 2005 in respect of 22A-23 The Cross, Worcester,WR1 3PZ
Additional documents:
Minutes: On the 16th March 2021 the Licensing Sub-Committee were asked to consider an application for a Bingo Premises Licence, made by Cashino Gaming Ltd.
All parties were introduced by the Senior Governance Officer. The Council’s Solicitor introduced the matter at hand. The Technical Officer – Licensing summarised the main points set out in the agenda report.
On 23 December 2020 an application was received from Poppleston Allen solicitors acting as agent for the applicant, Cashino Gaming Limited. for the grant of a bingo premises licence in respect of 22A-23 The Cross, Worcester.
All required documents were provided with the application, along with proof of the payment of the fee and a certificate of service of the application on the responsible authorities.
The applicant confirmed the required public notice was displayed at the premises. The application was advertised in the local press as required by the Gambling Act 2005.
Cashino Gaming Limited hold an operating licence issued by the Gambling Commission entitling them to provide bingo games from a premises open to the public. This was confirmed online at the Gambling Commission website. The application for the licence has been properly made and consultation carried out as required by the Gambling Act.
The Chair invited the applicant’s Legal Counsel, Mr Philip Kolvin QC, to make representations on behalf of his client. He provided the following points in summary:
· No objections had been received from any responsible authority. · Cashing Gambling Ltd (CGL) are one of the most experienced providers in the business of running licensed gambling premises, and are licensed by the Gambling Commission · CGL have 190 premises and have never been reviewed by the Gambling Commission. They have regular audits and mystery shoppers. · CGL premises rarely generate incidents of disorder. In the event of any issues, central control staff have instant video and audio access to individual premises. · CGL are entitled to serve alcohol, and to admit children to their premises, but choose to do neither. · CGL make no presumptions about their choice of location and base their choice purely on merit. · If granted, the new premises would be subject to extensive legal conditions and regulations, and specific rigorous standards set by the Gambling Commission. · CGL manage their sites carefully, having central oversight of their premises, regular mystery shopping, risk assessments and staff training. · The representations made by interested parties refer to concerns about the premises being a source of crime and disorder. Experience has shown that the other 190 CGL premises have not been, and police have not expressed any concerns regarding the application. Were there to be any future issues, a review can be brought back to the Sub Committee. Cashless procedures mean there is very little risk of robbery. · The Sub Committee is asked to consider if it has been demonstrated that the application is damaging to licensing objectives. There is nothing to suggest it will harm these objectives.
Mr Kolvin QC completed his summary by commending the application to the Sub-Committee. The Chair invited questions.
Members ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |