Agenda, decisions and minutes

Venue: Court Room - Guildhall. View directions

Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722280, 722027, 722085 


No. Item


Election of Chair


Licensing Sub-Committee, 30th August 2022


Application for a Review of a Premises Licence, in respect of


The Portobello Inn

139 Bransford Road






Due to time constraints, the Committee deferred their decision, which is as follows:


The Sub-Committee decided to modify the licence condition relating to the closure of doors and windows as follows:


  • All doors and windows to remain closed after 9pm, except for ingress or egress


The Sub-Committee decided to add the following conditions to the licence.


  • The Noise Management Plan as provided to the Sub-Committee to be implemented in full. Future changes or updates to the NMP to be notified to the Licensing Authority.


  • Staff to be trained on the complaints procedure and any complaints not covered by the Noise Management Plan to be separately recorded and made available for inspection upon request by an authorised officer.


  • A dedicated telephone number for complaints to be displayed outside of the premises.


  • Signage to be displayed at the points of exit encouraging patrons to leave the premises quietly.


  • CCTV cameras to be located within the premises to cover all public areas including all entrances, exits and outside areas.




Licensing Sub-Committee, 30th August 2022


Application for a Review of a Premises Licence, in respect of


The Portobello Inn

139 Bransford Road






Due to time constraints, the Committee deferred their decision, which is as follows:


The Sub-Committee decided to modify the licence condition relating to the closure of doors and windows as follows:


  • All doors and windows to remain closed after 9pm, except for ingress or egress


The Sub-Committee decided to add the following conditions to the licence.


  • The Noise Management Plan as provided to the Sub-Committee to be implemented in full. Future changes or updates to the NMP to be notified to the Licensing Authority.


  • Staff to be trained on the complaints procedure and any complaints not covered by the Noise Management Plan to be separately recorded and made available for inspection upon request by an authorised officer.


  • A dedicated telephone number for complaints to be displayed outside of the premises.


  • Signage to be displayed at the points of exit encouraging patrons to leave the premises quietly.


  • CCTV cameras to be located within the premises to cover all public areas including all entrances, exits and outside areas.




Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.




Application for Review of a Premises Licence pdf icon PDF 241 KB

To consider and determine an application for the review of a premises licence, issued in respect of The Portobello Inn, St John’s, Worcester.


Additional documents:


The Sub-Committee considered a review of a premises licence, in respect of The Portobello Inn 139 Bransford Road Worcester Worcestershire WR2 4EZ (the Premises).


At the start of the meeting, the Chair made the following statement:


“Presentations to the Sub-Committee are not given under oath. However, I would like to remind all parties that the highest standards are expected and any deviation from these high standards could possibly influence any decision of the Sub-Committee.”


All parties at the hearing were introduced. The Applicant’s representative, Cllr Amos, and the Respondent’s Legal Representative, Mr Gunert, confirmed they were satisfied with the proposed procedure.


The hearing was then temporarily adjourned to allow parties to consider additional information which had been provided the last working day before the meeting, and on the day of the meeting itself, by both the Applicant and the Respondent. The panel were given the opportunity to view video evidence submitted by the Applicant during the adjournment, with the agreement of all parties.


The hearing was reconvened. One of the original panel members had been taken unwell in the intervening period and had been replaced. The Chair suggested that introductions be made again, for the benefit of the new panel member.


The Applicant for the review was represented by Cllr Amos who spoke on his behalf. Cllr Amos requested that the panel be aware that video evidence of noise-related issues arising from the Premises would not necessarily replicate the volume residents were experiencing at the time.


The Senior Practitioner – Licensing presented the report on behalf of Worcestershire Regulatory Services. On 27 May 2022, a joint application was received by the Council, from Mr Hawker and several residents (‘the Applicant’) who live in the vicinity of Bransford Road, requesting a formal review of the premises licence issued in respect of The Portobello Inn.


The review request related to the ‘prevention of crime and disorder’ and the ‘prevention of public nuisance’ licensing objectives, and had been requested by the Applicant largely on the basis of complaints from local residents about noise and anti-social behaviour at the Premises.


The licence for the Premises was held by Marstons. The Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) was Ms Ruth Yufai. The Senior Practitioner – Licensing explained that the premises licence already had conditions attached, and that an Action Plan had been put in place following a number of complaints from local residents during 2021.


5 representations had been received during the consultation period from local residents in support of the Premises.


All parties were offered the opportunity to ask questions of the Senior Practitioner – Licensing.


The Applicant’s representative was invited to address the Sub-Committee.


Cllr Amos explained that the review had been requested due to anti-social behaviour taking place at the Premises. He drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the bundle of 100+ papers submitted by the Respondent on the last working day before the hearing, which he believed to be discourteous and an attempt to avoid close scrutiny.


The Council’s Legal Advisor advised the Sub-Committee  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.