Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall

Contact: Committee Administration 01905 722085 


No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


The following declaration of interest was made:


Councillor Barnes – Heritage at Risk Register (Minute No. 15) - As a Council appointed representative on The Hopmarket Charity and a proposed Council appointed representative on the Conservation Advisory Panel.


Minutes of Previous Planning Committee pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Of the meeting held on 20th June 2024 to be approved and signed.



With reference to minute 7, the correct spelling of Councillor Jill Desayrah’s first name was highlighted.  The minutes to be amended accordingly.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 20th June 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair, subject to the above amendment.



Public Participation

Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Committee in accordance with Committee Procedure Rule 10.




Planning Committee Annual Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 80 KB

1.       That the Committee approves the Planning Committee Annual Report 2023/24; and

2.       That the Annual Report be submitted to Council for information.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Planning Committee Annual report for 2023/24 attached as Appendix 1.


The Service Manager – Development Management presented the report for consideration which had shown how the Planning Committee has successfully achieved its objectives over the last year and shows the main areas of focus and overall work programme for the Committee.  The report also highlighted the key headlines for the planning service as a whole.


The Annual Report to be referred to full Council for information.


The Service Manager responded to questions and comments from Committee Members in particular quality of applications coming forward, and improvements for the future.


The Committee welcomed the report which they found encouraging.  The Chair also acknowledging the planning application statistics at paragraph 5.1 of the report, which were also welcomed, and gave thanks to all the officers involved.


RESOLVED: That the Committee approve the Planning Committee Annual Report 2023/24 and recommend it to Council for information.


Heritage at Risk in Worcester: Update and Review pdf icon PDF 106 KB

That the Committee note the contents of the 2024 Heritage at Risk Register and approve it for publication.



Additional documents:


The Committee considered the Heritage at Risk in Worcester update and review report.  The Register for 2024 was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.


An updated Heritage at Risk Register was approved for publication by Planning Committee on 20th July 2023 and since that time officers have monitored progress and reviewed other assets for potential inclusion in the Register.  One asset has been removed from the Register and two added, and the Priority of 2 have been downgraded.


The Conservation Officer presented the 2024 Risk Register, in conjunction with a powerpoint presentation and highlighted the key points.  He responded to questions and comments from Committee Members on various aspects of the Register in particular relating to HAR 18, 79-83 St Johns; HAR 17, St Cuthbert’s Chapel; HAR 24, 26-26a Bath Road and HAR 14, 3 Trotshill Lane East.  With regard to HAR 14, the Planning Officer agreed to follow up the questions raised outside of the meeting and report back to the individual Committee Member.


Several matters of concern were raised by Committee Members, which did not form part of the Heritage at Risk in Worcester Register, namely Powick Bridge and the former Bush Public House, St John’s.


Several Committee Members expressed concerns over the collapse of the historic Powick Bridge, although located in Malvern Hills District is right on the boundary with Worcester and is part of its cultural heritage.  This had been the subject of a Notice of Motion to full Council to call upon the Managing Director to explore ways in which the City Council can co-ordinate and support its restoration.  Committee Members stressed the need to put pressure on those responsible.


The Conservation Officer stated that the city would be working with colleagues at Malvern Hills District Council and Worcestershire County Council, although regrettably this is outside the city’s direct control.


The former Bush Public House, St John’s has been empty for some while and although not on this list, is historical and is starting to crumble.  Committee Members asked if officers had any power to do anything as this was a vital part of the area.  The Conservation Officer agreed to speak with the applicant/owner of the property and would seek to arrange a site visit.  If it passes the test, he agreed to add it to the list and would keep the individual Committee Member informed.


It is proposed to continue to monitor all entries on the Heritage at Risk Register on an ongoing basis, update actions and to review the on a yearly basis.


RESOLVED: That the Committee note the contents of the 2024 Heritage at Risk Register and approve it for publication.


Neighbour Notification Guidance Note pdf icon PDF 101 KB

That the Committee notes the Neighbour Notification Guidance Note.


Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report on a Neighbour Notification Guidance Note.


As part of the ongoing review of the Development Management service working arrangements, various process and procedures have been scrutinised and this has highlighted the need for Guidance Note to explain how the Council will carry out neighbour notifications in an open and consistent way.


The Deputy Service Manager – Development Management presented the report and highlighted the key points set out in the Guidance Note attached as Appendix.  The operation of the Guidance Note will be monitored over the next 12 months and its effectiveness will be included in the Annual report of Planning Committee for 2024/25.


The Guidance Note will be published on the City Council’s website to assist members of the public.


Committee Members welcomed the Guidance Note and its explanation for residents as notifying them of planning applications was seen as very important.  It was commented, however, that many residents do not know or understand the process and encouraged that consultation is carried out as wide as possible.


The Deputy Service Manager drew the Committee’s attention to the tables set out in the Guidance Note which provides a summary of application types and the minimum notification normally undertaken by the Council and which properties will be notified, this Guidance would provide consistency.  She also stressed that residents do not necessarily need a letter to make comments on applications that they become aware of.


RESOLVED: That the Committee note the Neighbour Notification Guidance Note.


Any Other Business

Which in the opinion of the Chair is of sufficient urgency as to warrant consideration.

