Agenda and minutes

Venue: The Guildhall, High Street, Worcester WR1 2EY

Contact: Claire Chaplin, Democratic and Civic Services Manager - Tel: 01905 722005 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillors Ali, Denham and Laurenson.


Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest.


The following declarations of interest were made:


Councillors Gregson and Riaz – Notice of Motion – Worcestershire County Cricket Club (Minute No. 30) – As Members of Worcestershire County Cricket Club.


Councillor Mace – Referral Report from Licensing and Environmental Health Committee 22nd May 2024 – Licensing Act 2003 – Review of Statement of Licensing Policy (Minute No. 33) – Works for a company that provides software for food and beverage providers.




Minutes pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Of the meetings held on 14th May 2024 to be approved and signed.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2024 be approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor.


Mayor's Communications

To receive any communications the Mayor may wish to make.


Remembering Srebrenica 2024

The Mayor informed Council of this important annual event which will take place on Monday, 15th July at 11.30am at the Guildhall.  All Members are welcome to attend.


Three Choirs Festival

The Mayor informed Council that this event will be hosted by Worcester this year on Saturday 27th July 2024.


Worcester Festival

The Mayor informed Council that she will officially open the Worcester Festival which will take place on Saturday 10th August 2024.


The Worcester Show

The Mayor informed Council that she will officially open the Worcester Show which will take place on Sunday 11th August 2024.


David Wright and Christine Davenport

The Mayor paid tribute to David and Christine, who both recently passed away.


David Wright represented the Claines Ward for the Conservatives from 1979 to 1988. He was Leader of the Conservative Group on the Council in the mid-eighties. His brother John also served on the Council. A solicitor, he co-formed Parkinson Wright Solicitors in 1969.


A former president of the Worcestershire Law Society, David was also a governor of King's School, Worcester and was closely involved with several local community organisations.


He was chairman of the Iris House Trust and on the local arts scene he served as the secretary of Worcester Three Choirs Festival and chairman of the Worcester Arts Council, Worcester Cathedral Arts and the Swan Theatre. He was the Co-ordinator of the 150th Elgar Birthday Festival in 2007.


David sadly passed away on Monday, 3rd June 2024 at his home in Worcester at the age of 80.


ChristineDavenport, who passed away at the end of June at the age of 87, was appointed as an Independent Co-opted member of the Council’s Standards Committee in 2001. She held that role for 15 years before stepping down in 2016. For much of that time she was the Chairman of the Committee.


Born in Bournville, Christine’s background was in business. She was a member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing and was chair of the Birmingham Branch as well as serving time on the national membership. In 1990 she became a board member of Worcester College of Technology and was their Chairman from 1992 to 2000.


Christine was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List in 1997 for charitable services to the community in the West Midlands.


Following her retirement Christine continued to support the Council and was a regular attender at the Remembrance Services and Mayor’s Civic Events.


The Mayor invited other Councillors to pay their own tributes.



The Mayor invited all Members to join her for refreshments in the Mayor’s Parlour at the end of the meeting.


Public Participation

Up to a total of fifteen minutes can be allowed, each speaker being allocated a maximum of five minutes, for members of the public to present a petition, ask a question or comment on any matter on the Agenda or within the remit of the Council in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.





The Leader of the Council, or the Chair of any Committee or Sub-Committee, to take any questions that may be submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.


The Council considered the following questions submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 9.


Question No. 1


Question From:

Councillor Alan Amos


Question to:

Councillor Riaz, Deputy Leader



Following the introduction of the Beryl bike scheme, what monitoring will take place to ensure users do not cycle along the pavement getting to and from the parking locations and what monitoring will be undertaken to ensure the pick-up/drop-off locations cause no danger to pedestrians and motorists; and can he assure me that no taxpayers' money at all will be used to subsidise the scheme?



Thank you to the Member for his questions, I’ll go through them question by question if that’s okay?


Question 1 - Cycling on pavements is in breach of the Highway Code, which applies to all road users and all cyclists, whether riding a Beryl bike or not, and is enforceable by the Police. There are no specific plans to monitor pavement cycling, although rides are tracked and the data could be made available to the Police, if required. The bays are adjacent to roads and cycle paths and so there is no need or incentive for cyclists to ride along pavements.


Question 2 - The locations of bays have been selected to ensure that they do not cause any obstruction of the highway, and our officers have worked closely with colleagues at County Highways to ensure that this is the case. The bikes are GPS tracked and so Beryl can monitor their locations at all times, and local operatives can relocate bikes to support demand as well as identifying any bikes that may be parked outside of the bay. Parking out of the bay incurs an additional charge of £10, which encourages riders to end their rides at a designated bay. City Council officers will continue to monitor the scheme as part of a routine contract monitoring.


Question 3 - The bikeshare scheme is part of the Worcester Town Investment Plan as approved by Policy and Resources Committee back in January 2021. The business case for the scheme was approved by Policy and Resources in March 2022, and subsequently signed off by Government with a Towns Fund Grant allocation of £700k, which included subsidising the cost of setting up the scheme and the Council’s ongoing contract management costs. Beryl were procured through a competitive process to deliver the scheme and their proposed financial model did not include any provision for additional support. There are no further budget allocations for this scheme. Thank you.


Supplementary Question:

I thank Councillor Riaz for his answer. I specifically asked about enforcement because the criminal behaviour of cycling on pavements, and particularly in the pedestrianised city centre, is now out of control given that the police have chosen not to enforce the law, and the Council doesn’t enforce it either, even though both these agencies could and should do so. Therefore, would Councillor Riaz join with me in campaigning for it to be made a legal requirement for all bikes  ...  view the full minutes text for item 29.


Notice of Motion

To consider any Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8.


Worcestershire County Cricket Club


Given the recent unprecedented record volume of flooding at New Road, and the increasing regularity of flooding, the Board of Worcestershire County Cricket Club understands the very real issues regarding the sustainability of the Club.


This Council must explore every option, and lobby central government for funding to address this issue to ensure the long-term future of Worcestershire County Cricket Club. Council believes keeping WCCC at New Road is vital for the future of a successful city.


This Council resolves to:


a.   Note with grave concern the statement from the Board of Worcestershire County Cricket Club (WCCC) on 15th April 2024.

b.   Instruct the Managing Director to continue working with the board of WCCC and the Chief Executive of Worcestershire Council to ensure the vital long-term sustainability of WCCC in the City of Worcester.

c.   Instruct the Managing Director to write our newly elected MP after the General Election expressing this Council’s wishes for this matter to be raised in Parliament.

d.   Instruct the Managing Director to write to the Chief Executive of The Environment Agency asking for their support in exploring flood management options to alleviate flooding in the club and the surrounding areas.


Proposed By: Councillor Rudge


Powick Bridge


Council is concerned about the future of the historic Powick Bridge, which was the location of both the first and last battle of the English Civil War.  It's of significant national and local historical importance and its continued closure after a partial collapse is very disturbing. The collapsed part of the bridge in located in Malvern Hills District but it is right on the boundary with Worcester and this whole site is prized in Worcester as part of our cultural heritage.


Council requests the Managing Director to organise a coalition of partners, inviting the local councillors, Malvern Hills District Council, the County Council, The Environment Agency, local landowners, The Battle of Worcester Society, Historic England, local Members of Parliament and any other relevant body or individual, to come together to discuss the future of the bridge, to explore how it can be restored and how the area can become a visitor attraction for future generations. 


Council calls upon the Managing Director to explore ways in which the City Council can co-ordinate and support the restoration and to explore the future use of the site and to bring a report back to the Place and Economic Development Committee.


Proposed By: Councillors Udall, Smith, Barnes and Amos


Astro Turf

The European Union has enacted a ban on the sale of products that contain intentionally added microplastics, as well as those that release microplastics over time, including crumb rubber artificial turf infill. Leading scientists are advocating for similar regulations to be adopted worldwide. They stress the importance of such measures to address the growing problem of microplastic pollution.

According to the European Chemicals Agency, each year around 42 000 tonnes of microplastics end up  ...  view the full agenda text for item 30.


The Council considered Notices of Motion submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 8.


Worcestershire County Cricket Club


Given the recent unprecedented record volume of flooding at New Road, and the increasing regularity of flooding, the Board of Worcestershire County Cricket Club understands the very real issues regarding the sustainability of the Club.


This Council must explore every option, and lobby central government for funding to address this issue to ensure the long-term future of Worcestershire County Cricket Club. Council believes keeping WCCC at New Road is vital for the future of a successful city.


This Council resolves to:

a.       Note with grave concern the statement from the Board of Worcestershire County Cricket Club (WCCC) on 15th April 2024.

b.       Instruct the Managing Director to continue working with the board of WCCC and the Chief Executive of Worcestershire Council to ensure the vital long-term sustainability of WCCC in the City of Worcester.

c.       Instruct the Managing Director to write our newly elected MP after the General Election expressing this Council’s wishes for this matter to be raised in Parliament.

d.       Instruct the Managing Director to write to the Chief Executive of The Environment Agency asking for their support in exploring flood management options to alleviate flooding in the club and the surrounding areas.


The proposer, Councillor Rudge and the seconder Councillor Riaz, both spoke in support of the Moton.


Other Members spoke on the Motion where support was expressed, following which the Motion was put to the vote.  The Motion was agreed, and it was


RESOLVED:  That the Council agrees to:


1.      note with grave concern the statement from the Board of Worcestershire County Cricket Club (WCCC) on 15th April 2024;


2.      instruct the Managing Director to continue working with the board of WCCC and the Chief Executive of Worcestershire Council to ensure the vital long-term sustainability of WCCC in the City of Worcester;


3.      instruct the Managing Director to write our newly elected MP after the General Election expressing this Council’s wishes for this matter to be raised in Parliament; and


4.      instruct the Managing Director to write to the Chief Executive of The Environment Agency asking for their support in exploring flood management options to alleviate flooding in the club and the surrounding areas.


Powick Bridge


Council is concerned about the future of the historic Powick Bridge, which was the location of both the first and last battle of the English Civil War.  It's of significant national and local historical importance and its continued closure after a partial collapse is very disturbing. The collapsed part of the bridge in located in Malvern Hills District but it is right on the boundary with Worcester and this whole site is prized in Worcester as part of our cultural heritage.


Council requests the Managing Director to organise a coalition of partners, inviting the local councillors, Malvern Hills District Council, the County Council, The Environment Agency, local landowners, The Battle of Worcester Society, Historic England, local Members of Parliament and any other  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30.


Report from the Relevant Committee on Matters which are Referred to Council for Decision

To consider motions to adopt reports on matters which by law or in accordance with the Constitution are referred to Council.


The Council received reports on matters which by law or in accordance with the Constitution are referred to Council for a decision.


Referral Report from Policy and Resources Committee 21st May 2024 - Astwood Crematorium - Replacement of Cremators pdf icon PDF 81 KB

That the Council agrees an adjustment to the Capital Programme of up to £5,500,000 (as set out at Appendix 2 to the Policy and Resources Committee report) to cover the full costs of electric cremator replacement, and necessary fees and surveys to progress the project to the end of RIBA Stage 3.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a referral report from the Chair of Policy and Resources Committee. At the meeting on 21st May 2024, the Policy and Resources Committee considered a report on the replacement of cremators at Astwood Crematorium.  The Committee had agreed to proceed with the procurement and installation of electric cremators.  An adjustment to the capital programme of £5.5m was required, this includes an element of additional capital expenditure to progress the project to the end of RIBA Stage 3 design.


It was proposed by Councillor Stephen and seconded by Councillor Jagger and on being put to the vote it was agreed and


RESOLVED: That the Council agrees to an adjustment to the Capital Programme of up to £5,500,000 (as set out in Appendix 2 of the Policy and Resources Committee report) to cover the full costs of electric cremator replacement, and necessary fees and surveys to progress the project to the end of RIBA Stage 3.


Referral Report from Licensing and Environmental Health Committee 22nd May 2024 - Licensing Act 2003 - Review of Statement of Licensing Policy pdf icon PDF 81 KB

That the Council approves the revised Statement of Licensing Policy 2024–2029.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a referral report from the Chair of Licensing and Environmental Health Committee. At the meeting on 22nd May 2024, the Licensing and Environmental Health Committee considered a report on the review of the Statement of Licensing Policy.  The Committee had considered the report and the responses to the public consultation on the revised draft and agreed to recommend to Council that the revised Statement of Licensing Policy 2024-2029 be adopted.


It was proposed by Councillor Udall and seconded by Councillor Lawrance and on being put to the vote it was agreed and


RESOLVED: That the Council approves the revised Statement of Licensing Policy 2024-2029.



Terms of Reference for Review of the Council's Governance Arrangements pdf icon PDF 105 KB

That the Council agrees to the terms of reference for the Governance Review, set out in Appendix 1.


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report on the Terms of Reference for review of the Council’s Governance arrangements.  The Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting on 21st May 2024 agreed that a review should take place into the Council’s current governance arrangements.  The Committee agreed that the Monitoring Officer should produce Terms of Reference for the Governance Review, in consultation with Group Leaders, for approval by the Council.


The Terms of Reference were set out in Appendix 1, attached to the report, together with the Policy and Resources Committee report set out in Appendix 2.


It was proposed by Councillor Riaz and seconded by Councillor Gregson and on being put to the vote it was agreed and


RESOLVED: That the Council agrees to the terms of reference for the Governance Review, set out in Appendix 1.


Productivity Plan pdf icon PDF 117 KB

That the Council approves the Productivity Plan for submission to DLUHC.

Additional documents:


The Council considered a report on the Productivity Plan for submission to the Department of Levelling Up (DLUHC).  As part of the Local Government Settlement in February 2024, The Secretary of State for Levelling Up stated that in return for additional resources receivable as part of the settlement, councils will need to produce a Productivity Plan.


Guidance on the proposed content and intentions of the Productivity Plan was issued by DLUHC on 16th April.  This confirmed that the submission date for the plans was 19th July and that the plan must have formal approval of the Council.


The draft Productivity Plan was attached as Appendix 1 to the report.  This was discussed with Group Leaders at a meeting on 1st July.  It follows the format suggested by the guidance published on 16th April, which was attached as Appendix 2 to the report.


The Managing Director in presenting the report highlighted the key points in the Productivity Plan.


It was proposed by Councillor Riaz and seconded by Councillor Gregson and on being put to the vote it was agreed and


RESOLVED: That the Council approves the Productivity Plan for submission to DLUHC.


Report of Member Champion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To receive the report of the Member Champion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.


The Council received a report from the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champion, Councillor Norfolk, setting out the achievements and highlights over the last 12 months.


There was an opportunity for Members to ask questions of Councillor Norfolk. Members thanked Councillor Norfolk for her report.


Appointment of Member Champions pdf icon PDF 114 KB

That the Council agrees the appointment of Member Champions for:


        Armed Forces


        Children and Young People

        Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

        Personal Safety and Civility.


Additional documents:


The Council considered a report to agree the appointment of Member Champions for the period 2024-2028:


·        Armed Forces

·        Heritage

·        Children and Young People

·        Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

·        Personal Safety and Civility


The Deputy Labour Group Leader proposed the following:


·        Armed Forces – Councillor Agar

·        Heritage – Councillor Gregson

·        Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – Councillor Norfolk


The Green Group Leader proposed the following:


·        Children and Young People – Councillor Collier


The Liberal Democrat Group Leader proposed the following:


·        Personal Safety and Civility – Councillor Murray


RESOLVED: That the Council agree to the Member Champion appointments as set out above.


Report from the Leader of the Council on Any Matters Which They Are of the Opinion Require Urgent Consideration by the Council

To receive a report, if necessary.


The Deputy Leader, Councillor Riaz gave thanks to Robin Walker, Worcester’s outgoing MP, and congratulated Tom Collins on being elected as the new MP for Worcester.


The Deputy Leader also informed the Council of the Labour Group’s commitments and priorities going forward following the recent City Council elections.


Any Exempt Issues

To consider any exempt matters which might arise.

