Issue - meetings

Refurbishment of the Cinderella Sports Ground - Key Decision

Meeting: 21/03/2017 - Cabinet (Item 108)

108 Refurbishment of the Cinderella Sports Ground - Key Decision pdf icon PDF 115 KB



1.    That Cabinet approve the project to refurbish the Cinderella Sports Ground as a Community sports facility to be operated by Heart of Worcestershire College as detailed within this report;


2.    That Cabinet approve a budget for the project as detailed within this report at Appendix B; and


3.    That Cabinet delegate to the Deputy Director, Cleaner and Greener Service Delivery, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, authority to enter into all necessary contracts and agreements to deliver the project.


The Cabinet considered proposals to refurbish the Cinderella Sports Ground.  The Leader of the Council presented the report and explained that the original project proposal, which remained unchanged, was that Heart of Worcestershire College take on a lease of the site from the Council, to provide football and cricket facilities.  Legal issues concerning the lease with the developers had delayed progress on the project, but these had been resolved and the report set out proposals for the project to proceed. Sufficient budget for the works was available as detailed in the table at Appendix B to the report.


Other Cabinet Members expressed support for the proposals, which would provide a sustainable community sports facility in this part of Worcester. 


RESOLVED: That the Cabinet agree to:


1.  approve the project to refurbish the Cinderella Sports Ground as a Community sports facility to be operated by Heart of Worcestershire College as detailed within this report;


2.    approve a budget for the project as detailed within this report at Appendix B; and


3.    delegate to the Deputy Director, Cleaner and Greener Service Delivery, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, authority to enter into all necessary contracts and agreements to deliver the project.