Library home - Statements of Executive Decisions Taken by Portfolio Holders and Officers - Statements of Executive Decisions Taken by Portfolio Holders and Officers
- Appointment of Market Operator
- Appointments to Outside Bodies 2014
- Appointments to Outside Bodies 2015
- Appointments to Outside Bodies 2016
- Appointments to Outside Bodies October 2016
- Car Park Charges
- Commissioning of the Worcestershire Hub Shared Service
- Contract for the Construction of the New Perdiswell Swimming Pool
- Crematorium Refurbishment Capital Budget Allocation
- Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document Adoption
- Emergency Flood Recovery Expenditure
- Energy Efficiency Service Procurement Exemption
- Energy Efficiency Service Procurement Exemption February 2017
- Fleet Procurement
- Group Funding of Single Homelessness Prevention Fund
- Health Through Warmth Assistance and Amendments to the Home Repairs Assistance
- Joint Property Vehicle
- Lottery Funding Agreement With Sport England
- Outcome of New Homes Bonus Bid Submissions
- Outside Bodies
- Pensions Automatic Enrolment
- Procurement of Neighbourhood Vehicles
- Procurement of WasherScrubber
- Record of Executive Decisions Taken
- Temporary Reduction in Car Park Charges
- Trade Waste Charges
- Warndon Skills Centre
- Welfare Assistance Scheme
- Worcester City 10k Run
- Worcestershire Care Repair Agency Contract Extension